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--->by Praveen Kumar Kolar
5 |
2823 |
24 Aug, 21 5:35 pm Pete Wilson
Print report for each record from multiple input files
--->by Arjun1703
1 |
1838 |
28 Apr, 21 5:58 pm sergeyken
--->by Smita.t2
4 |
1943 |
01 Apr, 21 12:27 pm Smita.t2
Updating endevor JCLs
--->by danielm81
5 |
4307 |
19 Mar, 21 8:15 pm enrico-sorichetti
Ca view compatibility
--->by Fabeck01
3 |
1362 |
17 Mar, 21 10:32 pm enrico-sorichetti
Exception Filter
--->by inforajesh
0 |
1215 |
02 Mar, 21 5:27 pm inforajesh
SARBCH- Extract specific sysout
--->by Ronny John
22 |
26990 |
23 Dec, 20 4:27 pm Rohit Umarjikar
Easytrieve EZABX007 with error code 040004A5
--->by Carol Schablow
7 |
6376 |
25 Sep, 20 12:05 am Robert Sample
SARBCH REPORT DD writing error
--->by kris_madras
1 |
1876 |
15 Sep, 20 4:42 pm kris_madras
CA7 Negative dependency JOB=/
--->by Dave Hinds
0 |
2592 |
10 Sep, 20 7:36 pm Dave Hinds
--->by manugeorge2004
3 |
3351 |
28 Aug, 20 1:49 am Rohit Umarjikar
SARBCH program List Identifier
--->by Arasi
8 |
8880 |
27 Aug, 20 2:02 am Nic Clouston
A very ingenious mainframe automation solution
1 |
1983 |
13 Aug, 20 4:40 pm Nic Clouston
CA Sysview - JCL or Rexx - Read or Extract SYSLOG
--->by Jasi
4 |
3110 |
06 Aug, 20 12:08 am Jasi
Retrieve multiple records with metacobol from CA Datacom
--->by Jose Juan J
0 |
1767 |
25 Jul, 20 1:36 am Jose Juan J
Documents on ESP scheduler
--->by upenbendre5581
2 |
3480 |
31 Jan, 20 8:35 pm upenbendre5581
Not able to view the values of variables during debugging
--->by sattar_engg
1 |
2167 |
25 Jan, 20 2:40 am Rohit Umarjikar
SARBCH PRINTJOB option not Works with special character in t
--->by Gepinheim
4 |
3351 |
04 Sep, 19 12:18 am Gepinheim
How can I close a flat file in Ezytrieve
--->by dibyendumandal11111
3 |
3341 |
18 Apr, 19 11:56 am expat
count the number of records from different 5 files
--->by janmejay
4 |
5705 |
27 Mar, 19 7:58 pm Marso
files whose record count varies with a given variance
--->by janmejay
0 |
2922 |
08 Mar, 19 9:35 pm janmejay
--->by mvmadhuvenkatesh
5 |
7396 |
20 Jun, 18 1:15 pm PeterHolland
CA SYSVIEW - MQTHRESH updating dynamically.
--->by Anilkumarmq
2 |
3846 |
14 Jun, 18 11:36 pm vasanthz
CA7 - Monthly job schedule
--->by Benchwarmer
5 |
16236 |
03 Apr, 18 9:33 pm Robert Sample
Find & Replace string in CA-SORT
--->by mrgnndhmk
1 |
4648 |
30 Mar, 18 3:52 am Nic Clouston