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IT Specialist
--->by durganarla
1 |
3932 |
09 Aug, 10 7:01 pm Anuj Dhawan
By using DB2 alone (No Language Support), can we print.
--->by bnrinbox
4 |
6521 |
04 Jul, 10 12:03 pm bnrinbox
After unzipping the zipped ps file, records are changed.
--->by Rusikesh
14 |
23708 |
30 Jun, 10 7:46 pm Robert Sample
How to use the cobol compiler downloaded from this site?
--->by GaganGarg
1 |
4600 |
23 Jun, 10 9:01 pm Anuj Dhawan
CICS timeout
--->by Harish V
4 |
9624 |
15 Jun, 10 4:00 pm Bill O'Boyle
Check for low values/high values using File-Aid
--->by arijitlovesall
1 |
10446 |
15 Jun, 10 10:09 am Rijit
use of U7SVC in JCL
--->by Arch
1 |
10390 |
11 Jun, 10 1:28 am Bill O'Boyle
How to reverse the records while copying from i/p fileto o/p
--->by Nidhi Kapoor
7 |
7255 |
08 Jun, 10 9:54 pm daveporcelan
include the word 'OPEN' in the first line of the output file
--->by dj_sunil
5 |
9215 |
31 May, 10 1:05 pm enrico-sorichetti
need an understanding of easytrieve code
--->by rkkeane
0 |
4016 |
18 May, 10 6:38 pm rkkeane
Easytrieve questions
--->by rkkeane
0 |
11250 |
18 May, 10 11:25 am rkkeane
Check the status code of a job through another job
--->by medhachaudhari
5 |
5614 |
17 May, 10 9:54 pm Anuj Dhawan
DFSORT question
1 |
3719 |
17 May, 10 9:19 pm Escapa
| AND dontreply@ibmmainframes.c
--->by Anuj Dhawan
1 |
3873 |
17 May, 10 9:10 pm Escapa
FileAID Installation getting SQLCODE -311
--->by oesler
2 |
6614 |
30 Apr, 10 4:49 pm Anuj Dhawan
A bunch of questions
--->by Dedicated
8 |
10302 |
29 Apr, 10 2:57 pm Anuj Dhawan
Got stuck in COBOL logic
--->by rdhupad
3 |
4989 |
22 Apr, 10 2:35 pm Anuj Dhawan
DB2 certification benefits
--->by rdhupad
2 |
6572 |
21 Apr, 10 3:13 pm enrico-sorichetti
Need CICS manuals
--->by sasikumar1984
4 |
5896 |
19 Apr, 10 9:04 pm Anuj Dhawan
A Mainframe Exercise
--->by meenakshi_forum
1 |
6588 |
16 Apr, 10 12:38 pm enrico-sorichetti
How to migrate a number of files in one shot?
--->by GaganGarg
3 |
8012 |
05 Apr, 10 1:23 pm expat
Can I copy different LRECL file into another file.
--->by ismailsk79
6 |
7707 |
03 Mar, 10 4:15 pm Anuj Dhawan
Usage of other technologies in mainframes
--->by tecnokrat
1 |
3586 |
02 Mar, 10 7:30 pm Robert Sample
SQL query to find the 2nd highest salary using Fetch First.
--->by arindambanerjee
3 |
13349 |
25 Jan, 10 5:25 pm Mukesh Pandey
Mainframe : Basic Clarification plus real-time assistnce
--->by naziashaffi
1 |
6247 |
15 Jan, 10 7:56 am Robert Sample