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QTP automation issues with Mainframe application
--->by mani_vn
1 |
18013 |
25 Jun, 10 7:20 pm dick scherrer
when do we need connectivity,end to end,pair testing,
--->by cvkumar59
1 |
9352 |
17 Jun, 10 5:25 pm Anuj Dhawan
Performance Engineering of a JOB.
--->by cybertaurean
13 |
25859 |
28 Apr, 10 1:26 am dick scherrer
Utilization Increased
--->by speedcnu
3 |
13033 |
10 Nov, 09 10:11 pm dick scherrer
Making a shift from developers profile to Mainframe Testing
--->by vikas.gupta
17 |
59255 |
13 Oct, 09 2:02 pm partha
Doing automatic transaction posting in ARAT screen
--->by ajit_panda
4 |
13873 |
11 Sep, 09 8:31 pm Bill O'Boyle
Testing with MACROS..
--->by jyotirelan
1 |
11460 |
07 Aug, 09 7:15 pm dick scherrer
--->by sasigsathiyan
1 |
10760 |
22 Jul, 09 3:13 pm expat
Test Data Generator
--->by Lehsang
4 |
15942 |
17 Jul, 09 9:07 pm Peter Poole
to monitor who is using XPEDITOR?
--->by dobriyalsandeep
5 |
13963 |
11 Jul, 09 1:58 pm dbzTHEdinosauer
How to conduct a new environment on Z/OS system?
--->by bruce wang
9 |
17246 |
10 Jul, 09 9:24 am MBabu
Production Synchronisation of large scale test environments.
--->by Peter Poole
5 |
12655 |
21 Jun, 09 5:51 pm mtaylor
Application Performance Analyzer - APA
--->by kranthikumarb
3 |
13806 |
21 Jun, 09 12:22 pm rockish
Reg : Mainframe Testing
--->by vaulter007
4 |
26676 |
18 Jun, 09 5:01 pm Robert Sample
Reg : Scope for mainframe testing
--->by vaulter007
3 |
16190 |
25 May, 09 2:19 pm Anuj Dhawan
Automating a mainframe application maintained on UNIX server
--->by Aaru
8 |
14522 |
18 May, 09 3:36 pm Anuj Dhawan
What is SME Testing?
--->by Infosys
3 |
15032 |
25 Mar, 09 9:15 pm superk
Validate some 20-30 reports and several transactions
--->by PPA
3 |
6605 |
05 Mar, 09 7:35 am dick scherrer
Most efficient copy utility?
--->by new2cobol
5 |
11821 |
26 Feb, 09 3:46 am Debabrata Pruseth
IWS/IWC testing..
--->by archana12
4 |
7847 |
07 Feb, 09 12:20 pm Anuj Dhawan
Mainframe batch tool needed to override sys date & time?
--->by Brad Polhemus
5 |
11134 |
26 Jan, 09 5:35 am Peter Poole
Need info regarding differences b/w integration testing and
--->by Dhani Reddy
11 |
20105 |
14 Jan, 09 2:02 pm enrico-sorichetti
AUDIT CHGMAN PACKAGE RC=12 & SYNCH4! (CPY problem in sta
--->by kothai
1 |
10400 |
06 Dec, 08 4:54 pm kothai
mainframe testing Vs development
--->by nmr
1 |
8064 |
29 Oct, 08 6:03 pm Robert Sample
Simple Performance Testing Parameters in Mainframe
--->by paray2x
3 |
9578 |
20 Oct, 08 9:47 pm dick scherrer