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Joined: 09 Mar 2016 Posts: 9 Location: United States
We have BMC Control-M version installed on our IBM z/OS mainframe.
When we run a job that updates one or more VSAM files, it triggers an automatic VSAM backup process immediately after the update is complete. This automatic backup process was implemented on our LPAR by the mainframe support group, which is a third party company. This convention hasn't changed in years and is not likely to change anytime soon. I have no control over the automatic backups.
I have Job 1 that closes our VSAM files, a successor Job 2 that updates the VSAM files using various batch utilities and COBOL programs, and a successor Job 3 that opens the VSAM files once the updates are complete. Job 2 waits for Job 1 to complete successfully and Job 3 waits for Job 2 to complete successfully. Job 3 runs within a milisecond or two of Job 2.
The close, update, and open functions all used to exist in one job. However, the last step in that job, the VSAM open step, would occasionally fail due to file contention with the automatic backup process. I was advised by the third party storage support group, in order to prevent the file contention abend, to separate the job steps into separate jobs. I have done that. However, Job 3 still occasionally abends due to file contention with the automatic backup process.
What I'm trying to do is prevent this occasional file contention abend from occurring because it holds up the successor jobs and I receive a phone call in the middle of the night. I've asked my Control-M scheduling person to simply have Job 3 wait two minutes after Job 2 completes before it executes. The scheduler says he doesn't know how to make a job wait two minutes before executing. Does anyone know how to do implement a two-minute wait in Control-M or have a suggestion for opening the VSAM files a few minutes after the update and automatic backups complete? I don't want to set a fixed time during the night for the Job 3 to run because Job 2's end time routinely fluctuates by as much as 20 minutes. |