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Joined: 16 Aug 2006 Posts: 45 Location: india
Hi DBA/ System Programmers
From DB2 V12 onwards its going to be like at each Function Level ,new capability is going to be added/some thing will be deprecated as per new delivery model.
Till V11 we had JPM (Pre migration) reports for each version.
From V12 ,will we get JPM reports for each function level ? (Pre migration reports for each Function Level).
Wondering how we will manage incompatible risks for each function level if any .Ex. Non-UTS will be deprecated from FL 504 .But JPM reports specific to FL 504 is not available.
Thanks in advance
JPM Reports for reference,
www.ibm.com/docs/en/db2-for-zos/12?topic=migration-run-premigration-queries-dsntijpm |