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IBM Tools Versus Compuware Tools
--->by rayandqmf
5 |
12433 |
02 Jun, 11 11:50 am sunojsm
--->by naveensrimf
1 |
3796 |
01 Jun, 11 4:40 pm dbzTHEdinosauer
Fields extract: File-aid for IMS
--->by sharan savadattimath
9 |
14121 |
24 May, 11 9:04 pm enrico-sorichetti
Adding DEV2 Participating Package under DEV1 super package
--->by bhaskar_kanteti
1 |
5361 |
20 May, 11 10:19 am Nic Clouston
FileAid Replace a string with another
--->by kranthikumarb
7 |
28925 |
11 May, 11 6:28 pm kranthikumarb
File-AID - Is it possible to get the total of a column?
--->by Barry Keogh
8 |
13332 |
27 Apr, 11 11:30 am PeterHolland
--->by akshathan
6 |
12537 |
20 Apr, 11 10:47 pm Robert Sample
how to specify USER parameter when Xpediting BATCH DB2 prog
--->by gopinaras
6 |
8535 |
18 Apr, 11 6:50 pm Robert Sample
weird debugging scenario in XPEDITER
--->by Arun bv
15 |
17590 |
15 Apr, 11 4:46 pm dbzTHEdinosauer
A query on the Filemanager code
--->by Mukesh Pandey
4 |
11019 |
07 Apr, 11 7:37 am gcicchet
XPEDITER shortcuts while debugging
--->by Arun bv
3 |
5090 |
30 Mar, 11 11:58 am dbzTHEdinosauer
Compare two files in File AID.
--->by kapiltamrakar
3 |
10466 |
28 Mar, 11 6:34 pm satyapn9
Security check failed RC=92 xpeditor
--->by ajay singh
2 |
16269 |
18 Feb, 11 5:51 pm chakradhar.karri
Links for the BETA91 programming
--->by cvadlamudi
5 |
8561 |
06 Feb, 11 11:21 am enrico-sorichetti
JCL to compare two files with FileAID
--->by shikhasharma
4 |
15157 |
05 Feb, 11 3:19 am Akatsukami
footprint option equvivalent in chaangeman
--->by nileshyp
1 |
4208 |
03 Feb, 11 1:56 pm dbzTHEdinosauer
Regarding Xpeditor DDIO files
--->by sivasaras
4 |
7348 |
31 Jan, 11 9:40 pm Robert Sample
Copying program from DDIO listing
--->by samzee71
4 |
6743 |
15 Jan, 11 2:00 am Robert Sample
File-AID how to compare two fields within the same file
--->by Barry Keogh
3 |
13126 |
14 Jan, 11 6:49 pm daveporcelan
How to remove a module from changeman scratch package
--->by manugeorge2004
1 |
6005 |
14 Jan, 11 3:05 pm Anuj Dhawan
returning from the called module in xpeditor
--->by vijay korde
1 |
3361 |
13 Jan, 11 5:40 pm dbzTHEdinosauer
Removing X'40' using Fileaid copy utility in JCL
--->by ksouren007
13 |
17423 |
13 Jan, 11 4:38 pm ksouren007
When condition in expeditor
--->by Rijit
5 |
8346 |
13 Jan, 11 1:33 am Robert Sample
File-aid reformat to decompress comp-3 data
--->by Deepika Pai
5 |
10099 |
06 Jan, 11 7:57 pm dick scherrer
Debug cobol program in EXEC SQL CALL PGM using Xpediter
--->by shankar.v
4 |
8221 |
29 Dec, 10 8:20 pm Anuj Dhawan