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Joined: 29 Apr 2008 Posts: 2159 Location: USA
There are many versions of And-Immediate instruction.
Code: |
NI D1(B1),I2 [SI]
NIY D1(B1),I2 [SIY]
NC D1(L,B1),D2(B2) [SS-a] |
For N, NC, NG, NGR, NI, NIY, NR, and NY, the AND of the first and second operands is placed at the first operand location. For NGRK and NRK, the AND of the second and third operands is placed at the first operand
The connective AND is applied to the operands bit by bit. The contents of a bit position in the result are set to one if the corresponding bit positions in both operands contain ones; otherwise, the result bit is set to zero.
For AND (NC), each operand is processed left to right. When the operands overlap, the result is obtained as if the operands were processed one byte
at a time and each result byte were stored immediately after fetching the necessary operand bytes.
For AND (NI, NIY), the first operand is one byte in length, and only one byte is stored. When the interlocked-access facility 2 is installed, the update of the
first operand appears to be an interlocked-update reference as observed by other CPUs and channel programs, and a specific-operand-serialization operation is performed.
For AND (N, NR, NRK, and NY), the operands are 32 bits, and for AND (NG, NGR, and NGRK), they are 64 bits.
The displacements for N, NI, and both operands of NC are treated as 12-bit unsigned binary integers.
The displacement for NY, NIY, and NG is treated as a 20-bit signed binary integer.
Resulting Condition Code:
0 Result zero
1 Result not zero
2 --
3 --
Code: |
NIHF R1,I2 [RIL-a]
NIHH R1,I2 [RI-a]
NIHL R1,I2 [RI-a]
NILF R1,I2 [RIL-a]
NILH R1,I2 [RI-a]
NILL R1,I2 [RI-a] |
The second operand is ANDed with bits of the first operand, and the result replaces those bits of the first operand. The remainder of the first operand remains unchanged.
For each instruction, the bits of the first operand that are ANDed with the second operand and then replaced are as follows:
Code: |
Instruction Bits ANDed
and Replaced
NIHF 0-31
NIHH 0-15
NIHL 16-31
NILF 32-63
NILH 32-47
NILL 48-63 |
The connective AND is applied to the operands bit by bit. The contents of a bit position in the result are set to one if the corresponding bit positions in both operands contain ones; otherwise, the result bit is set to
Resulting Condition Code:
0 Result is zero
1 Result is not zero
2 --
3 -- |