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Extracting Variable decimal numbers from input file

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PostPosted: Wed Feb 28, 2024 5:06 pm
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I have an *.csv input file, from which I need to extract several decimal numbers, which can have from 0 to 4 fractional part. An example input file would be:


The field separator is the ";" character

I need to extract all 3 numeric fields, justify them to the right, fill by the left with zeroes, and truncate to two las decimals, or if the number doesn't has any fractional part, fill it with ",00".

On our shop, the decimal/fractional part separator is the comma "," character

I've been testing with parse and extraction of the fields, wich works perfectly, but I'm having problems with the variable amount of fractional parts, as well as to convert the data to a numeric number

Could you provide an example how to achieve this with dfsort?

The desired output would be like:


0000000154158 0078965412530 00000000074800
0000000004785 0000000044488 00000000098577
0000000054466 0000000878900 00000000745144
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 28, 2024 5:50 pm
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What have you tried to achieve the desired result?
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 28, 2024 6:40 pm
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At this forum it is not appreciated: doing someone's job from start to finish.
This is a HELP forum, not DO-MY-JOB-FOR-ME-FOR-FREE forum.

Try to do it step-by-step, not "all together"

1. Learn how to split free-format fields (separated by ';' in your case), and to place them to aligned positions?
You must get:
1541,58     789654125,3     748
478,5       444,88          985,777   
544         66,8789         7451,44     

2. When finished with #1, try to detect integer part, and fractional part of each aligned field (separated by ',' in your case). Keep in mind to use '00' when no comma found!
1541   58     789654125   30     748   00
478    50           444   88     985   77   
544    00            66   87    7451   44     

3. Extend each fractional part with '0's to the desired 2 digits, align them to the right, append the integer part from left, and extend with '0's at the left.
000001541   58     789654125   30     0000000748   00
000000478   50     000000444   88     0000000985   77   
000000544   00     000000066   87     0000007451   44     

00000154158     78965412530     000000074800
00000047850     00000044488     000000098577   
00000054400     00000006687     000000745144     

Do AT LEAST SOMETHING!!! by yourself before asking others to do it for you. 824.gif
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 28, 2024 7:51 pm
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I'm sorry I attach part of the code I have. I forgot to include it in my previous message

//P020    EXEC PGM=SORT,COND=(4,LT)                                   
//SORTOUT  DD  DSN=PRO.WORK.XPGD052.DATOS.PARSED,                     
//             DISP=(NEW,CATLG,DELETE),                               
//             SPACE=(CYL,(50,25),RLSE),                             
//             DCB=(RECFM=FB,LRECL=100,BLKSIZE=0),UNIT=WORK           
//SYSOUT   DD  SYSOUT=*                                               
//SYSIN    DD  *                                                     
   OPTION SKIPREC=1                                                   
   INREC IFTHEN=(WHEN=(56,15,SS,EQ,C','),                             
             PARSE=(%01=(ABSPOS=1,ENDBEFR=C';',FIXLEN=11), BIC       
                    %02=(ENDBEFR=C';',FIXLEN=17),          CTA 18     
                    %03=(ENDBEFR=C';',FIXLEN=16),          REFERENCIA
                    %04=(ENDBEFR=C';',FIXLEN=8),           FECHA     
                    %05=(ENDBEFR=C',',FIXLEN=13),          IMPORTE-E 
                    %08=(ENDBEFR=C';',FIXLEN=2),           IMPORTE-D 
                    %06=(ENDBEFR=C';',FIXLEN=3),           DIV       
                    %07=(ENDBEFR=C';',FIXLEN=4)),          TIPO-GASTO
             PARSE=(%11=(ABSPOS=1,ENDBEFR=C';',FIXLEN=11), BIC       
                    %12=(ENDBEFR=C';',FIXLEN=17),          CTA 18     
                    %13=(ENDBEFR=C';',FIXLEN=16),          REFERENCIA
                    %14=(ENDBEFR=C';',FIXLEN=8),           FECHA     
                    %15=(ENDBEFR=C';',FIXLEN=15),          IMPORTE   
                    %16=(ENDBEFR=C';',FIXLEN=3),           DIV       
                    %17=(ENDBEFR=C';',FIXLEN=4)),          TIPO-GASTO
                    %17=(ENDBEFR=C';',FIXLEN=4)),          TIPO-GASTO
   SORT FIELDS=(2,11,CH,A,13,17,CH,A,69,3,CH,A)     ORD BIC,CTA,DIV 

My first example is a simplifaction of my actual code. Since I'm not happy with the result, i was asking here.

Sorry I didn't meant for this to look as a "do-it-for-me".
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 28, 2024 9:19 pm
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What is the need to re-sort your lines? This is not required by your task...

From the first sight I do not see anything related to your initial post - ???

And your result is LIKE WHAT?
Are you satisfied with the result?
If not: what exactly is wrong?

If you really seek for help, you must provide all info from your attempts.

Once again: DO IT STEP-BY-STEP, and analyze carefully ALL INTERMEDIATE RESULTS before moving forward.
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 29, 2024 6:41 pm
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@ojdiaz: Any reason why the last column is 14 digits and not 13 like the others?
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 29, 2024 8:00 pm
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@ojdiaz: Any reason why the only one presented sample of code performs operations not related to the initial task?
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 04, 2024 8:04 pm
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Looks like the topic needs to be deleted?

TS is not interested in learning something, except making his job for free... icon_pai.gif
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 04, 2024 8:20 pm
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While we still wait, I was wondering if the values to be parsed are positives only (as seen in the sample data).
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 06, 2024 8:49 pm
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First off, I think the attitude and the aggressiveness regarding the "you doing my job" is not necesary. Thanks though, for the feedback but honestly, this made my return to this forum after several years not a pleasant experience.

My original question was a simplification of my overall requirement, which does a few more transformations, but the issue at hand was the handling of the decimal and non decimal parts of the CSV final. The final code I posted, which one of my programmers made was heavily dependant on one decimal field present on the position 56 of the input file, which was almost never the case. Thanks to the feedback we managed to make this, which works as expected (for the example). The full sort card has many more instructions, but that wasn't our issue so I'll not post this here

The final code is this:

//P040    EXEC PGM=SORT,COND=(4,LT)                                 
//SORTIN   DD  *                                                   
345,8 ;3,9 ;6                                                                 
//SALIDA1  DD  DSN=DES.WORK.XOC.CSV.PARSE,                         
//             DISP=(NEW,CATLG,DELETE),                             
//             SPACE=(CYL,(5,1),RLSE),UNIT=SYSDES,                 
//             DCB=(RECFM=FB,BLKSIZE=0)                             
//SYSOUT   DD  SYSOUT=*                                             
//DFSPARM  DD  *                                                   
//SYSIN    DD  *                                                   
   OPTION SKIPREC=1                                                 
   INREC IFTHEN=(WHEN=INIT,                                         
          PARSE=(%01=(ABSPOS=1,ENDBEFR=C';',FIXLEN=13), 1ST NUMBER 
                 %02=(ENDBEFR=C';',FIXLEN=13),          2ND NUMBER 
                 %03=(ENDBEFR=C';',FIXLEN=13)),         3RD NUMBER 
          PARSE=(%04=(ABSPOS=1,ENDBEFR=C',',FIXLEN=10), INTEGER 1     
                 %05=(ENDBEFR=BLANKS,FIXLEN=2)),        DECIMAL 2     
        OVERLAY=(%04,SQZ=(SHIFT=RIGHT,                  PARTE ENTERA 
   SORT FIELDS=COPY                                                   
   OUTFIL FNAMES=SALIDA1 SOLRF                                       

The input sample data:

345,8 ;3,9 ;6       

The desired obtained result

0000001545,00 1,254         4,55
0000003547,66 3,3           5,8
0000007896,78 4789          9987
0000000001,45 5,45          6,35
0000000345,80 3,9           6   

@joerg, all the columns will he made to be 13 byte long. The input numbers will always be positive.

Laters. Have a nice one
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 06, 2024 11:49 pm
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@ojdiaz: I insist you to start doing the whole task step-by-step (as I suggested above), and to CAREFULLY VERIFY ALL INTERMEDIATE RESULTS, before adding the next step to your processing code.
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 07, 2024 12:18 am
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As far as we’ve tested it, step by step it worked as expected. First, we used WHEN=INIT to split the numbers into percentage variables. Then, we employed BUILD to create three fields of 13-character length and aligned them to the left.

Next, we focused on the first field and checked whether it contained a decimal separator (“,”), which indicates a fractional part. If it did, we reformatted it by aligning the numbers to the right, filling the left with zeroes, and completing the decimal part with additional zeroes until we had a 13-character field. We achieved this using the first IFTHEN=COND statement.

Finally, we performed another check in case the field didn’t have any decimal character. In that scenario, we aligned the character to the right, added the comma, and appended two zeroes to complete a full 13-character field.

It seems to be working as I tested it step by step: first the INIT, then the first WHEN=COND, and finally the next WHEN=COND. Checking intermediate results. Which is what I usually do, and I was just looking for some insights or methods to perform this other than what we had at the begining

If you notice any risks, incorrect code, or potential undesired results based on the requirements I posted, please let me know wherE because I can't seem to find it
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 07, 2024 10:57 am
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345,8 ;3,9 ;6

OPTION COPY                                               
ALTSEQ CODE=(406B)                                         
INREC IFTHEN=(WHEN=INIT,                                   

0000001545,00 0000000001,25 0000000004,55
0000003547,66 0000000003,30 0000000005,80
0000007896,78 0000004789,00 0000009987,00
0000000001,45 0000000005,45 0000000006,35
0000000345,80 0000000003,90 0000000006,00
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 07, 2024 1:00 pm
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Hello Joerg!

First thank for your input. A few comments on your code:

I wasn't aware that you could use this operand REPEAT=3 in the parse instruction. That's brilliant, I'll defintely remember this in the future.

I'll check the manual for the ALTSEQ operand, since I think I used it a long time ago but I don't remember at the moment the exact way it functions.

Also, I didn't knew you could repeat several WHEN=INIT instructions, so I'll definetely will remember it.

Thanks for your support and help. I'll get back to you after our testings icon_smile.gif

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 07, 2024 1:56 pm
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ALTSEQ/TRAN will replace X'40' by X'6B' in the parsed fields. It enables the second PARSE to detect fractional parts (if any). The JFY fixes the latter, or fills up with Zeros when needed.
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 07, 2024 3:27 pm
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Hi Joerg

Afeter several test we now understand the ALTSEQ usage and the loginc behind your code. Honestly simpler than what we managed.

Definetely I appreciate your help on the subject. Cheers
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 07, 2024 8:03 pm
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Joerg.Findeisen wrote:
ALTSEQ/TRAN will replace X'40' by X'6B' in the parsed fields. It enables the second PARSE to detect fractional parts (if any). The JFY fixes the latter, or fills up with Zeros when needed.

Excessive "optimization", such as using ALTSEQ to replace comma characters, or using SIGNS parameter to substitute non-sign characters like a comma, makes the code hard to be understood by a human...

The last issue may be more important than executability of the code by a computer.
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 07, 2024 9:54 pm
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Of course the code should be understandable/maintainable by humans. That is, keeping the balance of avoiding too many IFTHEN, absolute positions, and on the other hand maybe adding some comments if the provided code is helpful and understood by the requestor.
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