Joined: 01 Jun 2023 Posts: 3 Location: United Kingdom
Hello all,
I need to write cobol programs that to process all types of RECFM for our testing.
Just a simple program read the file and write to the same format file.
F to F
FA to FA
VS to VS
I wrote now 2 programs.
1st one will handle RECFM=F,FB,FS and FBS
2nd one will handle V and VB
Any suggestions for the program to support all other types.
How many in total required? can it be handled in 3 programs?
Any advise would be appreciated.
Joined: 01 Jun 2023 Posts: 3 Location: United Kingdom
I am able to work on the Cobol programs for the most of the types. I am struggling on just below types.
VBS 124 84
VS 124 88
VBSA 125 84
VSA 125 89
U 0 80