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Copy few lines from SYSOUT of 10 million lines from SDSF

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PostPosted: Fri Nov 25, 2022 9:03 pm
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I have a job (cancelled) in the spool with a huge number of lines in the job log. SYSOUT has 10 million lines because it has written 20 lines of error message for each input record (the input file also has a million lines) due to some issues. I need to purge this job to clean-up and restore the space in SMS/DASD. I would like to copy the first 500 lines and the last 500 lines of SYSOUT into a dataset, before I purge this job. How do I copy it?

We have SORT/ICETOOL to extract a few records if the source is in PDS or PS. The source data is in spool here. I can do screen copy if 20–100 lines are needed. coping 1000 lines using F7/F8 is a cumbersome work.

Any help, is highly appreciated. I need to finish it by the weekend. Monday morning (28-Nov-2022) I need to purge it.

NP   DDNAME   StepName ProcStep DSID Owner    C Dest               Rec-Cnt Page
     JESMSGLG JES2                 2 MYID001  V LOCAL                  10M
     JESJCL   JES2                 3 MYID001  V LOCAL                   85
     JESYSMSG JES2                 4 MYID001  V LOCAL                   7M
     SYSOUT   STEP001            103 MYID001  V LOCAL                  10M
     A000000J STEP001            106 MYID001  V LOCAL                   15
     VIOSTAT1 STEP001            107 MYID001  V LOCAL                  423
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 25, 2022 9:21 pm
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justjpr wrote:
I can do screen copy if 20–100 lines are needed. coping 1000 lines using F7/F8 is a cumbersome work.

Options to copy from SYSOUT

1. Try to view it using SE inline command from SDSF menu. If it works, copy the first 500 lines using:
- C500 as inline command at the first output line, and
- CUT F500 as operation in the Command line
Then goto BOTTOM of your output, make a note the last line number, subtract 500, and use operation L(ocate) {line} at Command line. Next enter:
- C500 as inline command at the first row on the screen,
- CUT L500 as operation in the Command line

Now you can copy your lines to any other place using operations PASTE F500, and PASTE L500 into another dataset.

2. If SE doesn't work for your 10M lines, try to replace SYSOUT=* to DSN=YOUR.TEMP.OUTPUT with DSNTYPE=HUGE (or whatever is defined by your sysadmin)
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 25, 2022 9:43 pm
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I appreciate sergeyken for immediate response with appropriate answers. 

"EDIF ERROR RC=   20" is the error message for the SE command.

This problem has already been escalated because it took up a lot of space, and I can't run it again with a dataset in SYSOUT. 

I'll try to run the same step again with 10 input records. I hope SE / XDC will work in that case.


COMMAND INPUT ===>                                            SCROLL ===> CSR
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Rohit Umarjikar

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PostPosted: Fri Nov 25, 2022 10:53 pm
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Do you not have a Sysout at your shop which keeps the job logs archived? This is dangerous if you don’t have it.

If you have it then simply move it there and purge this one and you don’t need anything else to do.

XDC should work.
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 26, 2022 11:18 am
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sergeyken wrote:
2. If SE doesn't work for your 10M lines, try to replace SYSOUT=* to DSN=YOUR.TEMP.OUTPUT with DSNTYPE=HUGE (or whatever is defined by your sysadmin)

It should be DSNTYPE=LARGE, or EXTPREF/EXTREQ. With that you can XDC the output as proposed by Rohit.
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Willy Jensen

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PostPosted: Sat Nov 26, 2022 5:55 pm
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You can do it using the REXX/API interface. The following shows 50 lines from the front (head) and 50 lines from the back (tail).
Somewhat crude I'll admit and could use some rework, but it works. You can run it in batch, if you are still able to run jobs.
 /*  REXX  */                                                           
 numeric digits 16                                                       
 Address SDSF                                                           
 isfprefix     = 'RXGV074'  /* jobname */                               
 isffiltermode = 'AND'                                                   
 isffilter     = 'jobid EQ JOB04698'                                     
 sdsid         = 102                                                     
 recn          = 50         /* number of lines in head and tail */     
 "ISFEXEC  ST"                                                           
 if rc<>0 then exit isferr('Initial ST')+8                               
 "ISFACT ST TOKEN('"jtoken"') PARM(NP ?) (prefix @)"                     
 if rc<>0 then exit isferr('ISFACT ST NP ?')+8                           
 "ISFACT ST TOKEN('"jtoken"') PARM(NP SA)"                               
 if rc<>0 then exit isferr('ISFACT ST NP SA')+8                         
 say 'Job' jname.1 jobid.1 'has' value(isfdsname".0") 'files'           
 do  dn=1 to isfdsname.0   /* do over dsnames */                         
   /* isfdsname i.e. XX.RXGV074.JOB04698.D0000105.? */                   
   parse var isfdsname.dn .'.'.'.'.'.'dsid'.'.                           
   if dsid<>sdsid then iterate                                           
   say 'DDname' isfddname.dn 'has' filerecn 'records'                   
   /* now pull data from file */                                         
   address TSO "execio" recn "diskr" isfddname.dn "(stem line.)"         
   if rc<>0 then exit xmsg('read 1 failed rc' rc)                       
   /* show head */                                                       
   say ''                                                               
   do n=1 to line.0                                                     
     say '(head)' strip(line.n,'t')                                     
   /* show trail */                                                     
   say ''                                                               
   address TSO "execio" filerecn-(recn*2)-1 "diskr" isfddname.dn "(skip)"
   if rc<>0 then exit xmsg('read 2 failed rc' rc)                       
   address TSO "execio * diskr" isfddname.dn "(stem line. finis)"       
   if rc<>0 then exit xmsg('read 3 failed rc' rc)                       
   do n=1 to line.0                                                     
     say '(tail)' strip(line.n,'t')                                     
 rc=isfcalls( OFF )                                                     
 exit xmsg()+xmsg('Done...')                                             
XMsg: say arg(1);return 0                       
 say 'IsfErr' arg(1)                             
 if isfmsg<>""  then  Say  "isfmsg  is:"  isfmsg
 do jn=1  to isfmsg2.0                           
   Say  "isfmsg2."jn  "is:"  isfmsg2.1           

return 0
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