The sort step in the job gets abended sometimes with WER999A UNSUCCESSFUL SORT 8ED U. The step works fine when restarted without any changes. Any help on what causes this abend and how to fix this please.
The step splits the input file into two based on a condition. The file is FB and record length is 1400.
WER999A indicates that an error condition occurred, preventing the successful completion of the sort. This message does not necessarily mean that MFX was responsible for the error. If, for example, the error is in the COBOL Input or Output Procedure of an invoked sort, WER999A will appear. WER999A indicates that MFX got control after the error, printing this MFX message.
The documentation accompanying WER999A varies with the error involved. It may consist of a standard system dump (SYSUDUMP or SYSABEND) and/or an MFX generated SNAP dump. The MFX SNAP is formatted very much like a SYSUDUMP. In debugging the SNAP, care must be taken to avoid reliance on the PSW AT ENTRY TO SNAP and the general registers.
A SNAP dump produced through the MFX DEBUG PARM or with a W-abend (that is, WER999A UNSUCCESSFUL SORT xxxW) is only useful to a sort analyst at Precisely Support. See “Before Contacting Precisely Support” later in this chapter.
MFX Internal Abend
A W-type abend code indicates that program termination was forced by an error condition internally detected by MFX; the problem cannot be resolved by the user.
See “Before Contacting Precisely Support” later in this chapter.
U-Type Abend Codes
If any of the U-type abend codes in the chart below appears in the WER999A message, it may indicate an MFX error (in which case, see “Before Contacting Precisely Support”). These are the only U-type abend codes that MFX issues; any 18–2 Syncsort MFX Programmer’s Guide
U-type abend code which is not on this list indicates an error in a user-written exit routine, invoking program or environment. For example, user abend 4093 (RC=1C) is related to LOCALE processing. This abend is issued from the LE/370 environment when the REGION is not large enough. To address a U4093 abend, increase the REGION by 1 megabyte and resubmit the application.
Note that the WER999A message displays the abend code in hexadecimal.
Decimal Hexadecimal
2285 8ED
Before Contacting Precisely Support
All pertinent information (listings, dumps, maintenance level, SVC number, etc.) should be available for easy reference when contacting Precisely Support. For error conditions producing the WER999A message, the system dump and/or MFX SNAP dump will prove helpful to an MFX analyst.
For other conditions cited with an “A” class message (e.g., WER039A INSUFFICIENT VIRTUAL STORAGE), additional diagnostic information may be required – a diagnostic SNAP dump can be produced by passing the DEBUG PARM in the $ORTPARM DD statement or (for a JCL sort) in the // EXEC statement.
When using DEBUG, supply a SPYSET or SYSUDUMP DD statement to define an appropriate SYSOUT data set for the dump. If the problem occurs in an application using the OUTFIL OUTPUT feature, add the following DD statements in addition to the DEBUG PARM:
To get an accurate screen display of the maintenance level and SVC number, you must determine whether the operating system found SYNCSORT in the link list concatenation or found it in a STEPLIB concatenation. For link listed modules issue the command TSO SYNCLEVL from an ISPF session active on the system where the problem occurred. Otherwise, use the command TSO CALL ‘your.steplib(SYNCLEVL)’ substituting the library name that caused the problem.
Searching the Precisely Knowledge Base
The Precisely Knowledge Base contains numerous articles, including how-to’s and resolutions to common problems. To help you research and resolve issues, the Knowledge Base is continually updated to publicize issues that have already been addressed by the Precisely support team. The Knowledge Base is available to licensed users and is accessible through the Precisely Support website. Search on the MFX product by release to find all relevant information about MFX.
Contacting Precisely Support
The Precisely Support portal is available to all registered users. To access technical support for your location, visit this site.