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REXX table content on panel will be reduzed after Enter

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PostPosted: Tue Nov 16, 2021 6:11 pm
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Hello together,

i searched multiple times for some examples but couldnt find it. It build a REXX that will display a panel. In this panel i got a variable with inputfield. If the user fill this inputfield and type "GO" in the commandline the panel should be added with multiple lines.

I got not problem with the REXX to display the Panel. To solve the problem with the multiple lines, i build a Table and filled it with values depending on the input of the user. It´s also working that after the "go" the panel will be displayed with the filled values. But after i use the Keyword enter my Panel will be display with only 1 line and i dont know why..I think it will jump to the DISPLAY PANEL(PHYPFX01) and ignores my content of the table. But why is there still 1 row? And how could i fix it, that after the "GO" the content with the table has now to be displayed and only if i use "REF" the panel will be displayed without the table.


ADDRESS ISPEXEC                               
DO FOREVER                                     
  IF RC <> 0 THEN LEAVE                       
  IF STRIP(ZCMD) = "GO" THEN                   
    HTYPE = "COMPILE"                         
    HMODUL= PATHC                             
    "TBADD "HOTFVER" ORDER"                   
    HTYPE = "LINK"                             
    HMODUL= PATHL                             
    "TBADD "HOTFVER" ORDER"                   
    "TBTOP HOTFVER"                     
EXIT 0                     

Thank you very much for the answers
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Willy Jensen

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PostPosted: Tue Nov 16, 2021 7:00 pm
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You need the TBDISPL command to display a table panel, also the use of two DISPLAY commands in one loop will be confusing.
Is your panel really a table display panel (with a )MODEL) line?
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Willy Jensen

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PostPosted: Tue Nov 16, 2021 9:09 pm
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Perhaps the following demo can help. It
- builds and activates an internal table panel.
- create a temporary table.
- adds 4 lines to the table, displaying the table as lines are added.
- quits freeing all resources.

It might be slightly over-engineered, but it works.

 demo - add lines to active table panel                               
 parse value '' with libdd pnldd tbl pnl                             
 /* make panel */                                                     
 do n=1 to sourceline() until lan<>0                                 
   if translate(word(sourceline(n),1))=')ATTR' then lan=n             
 if lan=0 then call quit 'ATTR stmt not found'                       
 do n=lan to sourceline() until len<>0                               
    if translate(word(sourceline(n),1))=')END' then len=n             
 if len=0 then call quit 'END stmt not found'                         
 do n=lan to len                                                     
   parse value pln+1 strip(sourceline(n),'t') with pln pl.pln         
 cc=bpxwdyn('alloc new delete rtddn(libdd) rtdsn(libds) dir(1)',     
    'lrecl(80) recfm(f,b) blksize(0) tracks space(1,1) unit(sysda)') 
 if cc<>0 then Call quit 'alloc lib failed' cc                       
 zz=        'alloc shr da('libds'('libdd') rtddn(pnldd)'             
 cc=bpxwdyn('alloc shr da('libds'('libdd') rtddn(pnldd)')             
 if cc<>0 then Call quit 'alloc pnl failed' cc                       
 "execio" pln "diskw" pnldd "(stem pl. finis)"                       
 if rc<>0 then Call quit 'write pnl failed' rc                       
 /* display */                                                       
 address ispexec                                                     
 "control errors return"                                             
 "libdef ispplib library id("libdd")"                                 
 if rc<>0 then Call quit 'libdef failed' rc zerrlm                   
 "tbcreate" tbl "names(text) nowrite"                                 
 if rc<>0 then Call quit 'tbcreate failed' rc zerrlm                 

 do pn=1 to 4                                                         
   "tbbottom" tbl                                                     
   text='Line' pn 'added'                                             
   "tbadd" tbl                                                       
   "tbtop" tbl                                                       
   "control display lock"                                             
   "tbdispl" tbl "panel("pnl")"                                       
   if rc>8 then Call quit 'tbdispl failed' rc zerrlm                 
   if rc>0 then leave                                                 
   call syscalls 'ON'        /* wait */                               
   address syscall 'sleep 3' /* three */                             
   call syscalls 'OFF'       /* seconds */                           
 Call Quit                                                           
 if tbl  <>'' then address ispexec "tbend" tbl         
 if pnl  <>'' then address ispexec "libdef ispplib"     
 if pnldd<>'' then zz=bpxwdyn('free dd('pnldd')')       
 if libdd<>'' then zz=bpxwdyn('free dd('libdd')')       
 if arg(1)<>'' then say arg(1)                         
 exit 0                                                 
 # type(output) color(turq) caps(off)                   
 _ type(input)  color(turq)  caps(on) hilite(uscore)   
 + type(text )  color(green) skip(on)                   
 " type(text )  color(blue)  skip(on)                   
)BODY EXPAND(\\)                                       
%\ \Show text\ \+                                       
%Cmd ==>_ZCMD \ \%Scrl#scrl+                           
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 16, 2021 10:50 pm
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I agree with Willy... verify that the panel is coded as a table display: make sure it has a )MODEL section.
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 17, 2021 2:30 pm
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Thank you for your answers. I got a MODEL in my Panel-definition:

çz$@htype $@hmodul $

And the table is displayed in my panel. But it just seems that after every Enter it jumps within the table to the next entry and only displays this entry.

I´m new to this table+panel definition, but could it be that Enter is a keyword to jump from one entry of the table to the next entry and so only this one will be displayed?

Kind regards
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Willy Jensen

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 17, 2021 6:19 pm
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You still have a DISPLAY command in there.

Try this, it probably will not give you exactly want you want, but it should give you some idea of how table services work:
 DO FOREVER                             
   "TBTOP" HOTFVER                       
   IF RC <> 0 THEN LEAVE                 
   IF STRIP(ZCMD) = "GO" THEN DO         
     "TBBOTTOM" HOTFVER                 
     HTYPE = "COMPILE"                   
     HMODUL= PATHC                       
     "TBADD" HOTFVER                     
     "TBBOTTOM" HOTFVER                 
     HTYPE = "LINK"                     
     HMODUL= PATHL                       
     "TBADD "HOTFVER                     
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Willy Jensen

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 17, 2021 7:04 pm
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In the TBCREATE command you use HOTFVER like it is a variable containing the table name, but later in the TBTOP and TBDISPL is is a literal. Which one should it be?
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