Joined: 03 Mar 2006 Posts: 47 Location: Simpsonville, SC
I'm new to CICS and Intertest. I've been given some initial training on Intertest and would like to increase my knowledge of the various options that can be entered on the CNTL= command when entered at the CICS terminal. I've searched the web and the CA (Broadcom) web site, but can not seem to find any documentation on the details for the CNTL command syntax. For example, I've been shown the following command
Now I know that this is setting an unconditional breakpoint in the program, but would like to know what the (#1),F=.ANY signifies. The person who passed this information to me did not know. They states, its just what they use.
So I would like to find out the syntax for the CNTL= command, what these options mean and any others I can use.
Another I've seen while in the debugger, is CNTL=GO,TASK=xyzzy,?
where I've found that ? can be C or X, but I can not find any docs on what other options can be found.
CNTL=CKPT Start and end checkpointing
CNTL=END Stop the execution of InterTest monitoring in a CICS region
CNTL=EXCL Exclude a program, transaction, or terminal from InterTest monitoring
CNTL=INCL Allow a program, transaction, or terminal to be monitored by InterTest
CNTL=ABP Activate and deactivate the global automatic breakpoint facility
CNTL=PURGE Start and end purging of breakpointed tasks
CNTL=GLOG Start and end logging of CNTL commands and CORE changes
CNTL=ON,PROG=.ALL Declare monitoring for all application programs executing in a CICS region
CNTL=OFF,PROG=.ALL Remove monitoring from all application programs executing in a CICS region
CNTL Option Description
,BYP Bypass storage protection or monitoring of BALR 14,15 and BALR 14,14
routines (for XA, BASSM, and BASR)
,CSA=(offset,length) Do not protect specified areas of CSA or CWA
,LET=name Do not protect storage occupied by a specified program or module
,LET=(address,length) Do not protect a specified storage area
,MON=location Set segmented monitoring on
,NOM=location Set segmented monitoring off
,OVR=errorcode Disregard an error condition that would typically cause an
automatic breakpoint
,STR=ON Preserve a copy of the CICS Trace Table for the duration of
a breakpoint
,TON=* Limit monitoring to the current terminal
,TON=terminal id Limit monitoring to the specified terminal id
,USH=on, Remove storage protection from storage areas in the shared