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COBOL NOADVANCING strange results in COBOL v5.2 and above

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Alan Playford

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Joined: 22 Aug 2012
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 20, 2020 3:31 pm
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Anybody experienced strange troubles with COBOL v5.2 and v6.2 overprinting?

We have an LPAR with zOS v2.3, corresponding CEE Language Environment, and with all of COBOL v4.2, v5.2 and v6.2 available.
We're testing with similar to below:

This is then compiled and go’d (!) for each of the COBOL versions - v4.2, v5.2 and v6.2 as follows:

//.... jobcard                                                                                   
//             LNGPRFX='IGY.WS2.IGY420',           <- point to SIGYCOMP       
//             PARM.LKED='LIST,XREF,LET,MAP'                           
//* LNGPRFX amended above for each of v4.2 v5.2 and v6.2 CLG runs *
        IDENTIFICATION DIVISION.                                       
        PROGRAM-ID. PGMNAME.                                           
        ENVIRONMENT DIVISION.                                         
      * Test source designed for output to a dataset                 *
        DATA DIVISION.                                                 
        PROCEDURE DIVISION.                                           
           DISPLAY "Display to default (SYSOUT) with dflt comp opts". 
           DISPLAY " ".                                               
           PERFORM 3 TIMES                                             
              DISPLAY "String with no advancing" WITH NO ADVANCING     
              DISPLAY "                         and then overlaid"     
           STOP RUN.                                                   
//GO.SYSOUT   DD DSN=output_dataset_or_PDS_member,                         
//            DISP=(NEW,CATLG,DELETE),                                 
//            SPACE=(TRK,(1,1)),                                       
//            DCB=(RECFM=FBA,LRECL=133,BLKSIZE=0)                     
//* EOJ                                                               

The output dataset cannot be browsed to see the ASA chars (you see nothing, just the data lines), but you can use View or Edit instead:

v4.2 output:-

************************ Top of Data ***
 Display to default (SYSOUT) with dflt comp opts                           
 String with no advancing                                                 
+                         and then overlaid                               
 String with no advancing                                                 
+                         and then overlaid                               
 String with no advancing                                                 
+                         and then overlaid                               
************************ Bottom of Data *

But both v5.2 and v6.2 output displays no ASA overprint chars:

*************************** Top of Data ***
 Display to default (SYSOUT) with dflt comp opts                           
 String with no advancing                                                 
                          and then overlaid                               
 String with no advancing                                                 
                          and then overlaid                               
 String with no advancing                                                 
                          and then overlaid                               
********************************* Bottom of Data *

SDSF and XDC of output to a file can obviously get in the way here, hence the output datasets!
But it doesn't explain why v4.2 appears to work but v5.2 and v6.2 do not show what you would expect? (e.g. the same as v4.2).

Has anybody experienced this or can reproduce this?
I wondered if the latest zOS v2.3 CEE language environments may be getting in the way and not working with v5.2 or above for some reason.
However, the same output (i.e. without ASA overprinting chars) can be seen on our "install" LPAR which only has the latest zOS v2.3, COBOL v6.2 and CEE environment.

Any suggestions here would be greatly appreciated!
Or have I missed something?!

Apologies for the formatting - I can post screen shots if that makes it clearer?

Thanks in advance, Alan
Coded for you
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Nic Clouston

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PostPosted: Mon Apr 20, 2020 3:59 pm
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Use the POST REPLY button to get the full editor which has the formatting buttons available.
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 20, 2020 7:11 pm
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  • In ISPF BROWSE, enter the command DISPLAY CC to view carrriage control characters.
  • You should be aware the + carriage control character directs a traditional line printer to not advance the carriage before printing the line; since there is no carriage as such in a page printer its behavior is not as predictable as one would like. Carriage control characters 0 and - insert the expected blank lines.
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Alan Playford

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PostPosted: Mon Apr 20, 2020 7:43 pm
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Steve, already tried that, thanks?
In a display of ANY of the COBOL versions' output datasets, using BRowse, then DISPLAY CC gives me

Terminal CCSID not set.
Expanded help (PF1) further gives me
| The DISPLAY command is rejected because the terminal has not provided |
| character set information to ISPF.                                    |

For reference, I am using PowerTerm InterConnect (3270 emulator) on an Apple Mac here?
But never had to worry about CCSID before?

Regards, Al[/list]
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Phrzby Phil

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PostPosted: Mon Apr 20, 2020 10:01 pm
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compiled and went (?)
compiled and gone (?)
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