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Pack to Unpack conversion for sending files to Windows

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PostPosted: Wed Sep 11, 2019 10:46 pm
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Dear All,

I read multiple forums but could not come to any conclusion.

I have mainframe file (& corresponding copybook layout). This file contains combination packed and binary fields. Before sending (sftp) this file to Windows; I want to convert all packed / binary fields into display format fields.

Any idea what is the best way to do it ?

1. Do we have any converter available which converts input packed copybook layout to output display copybook layout ?

2. Any COBOL Program / Sort which takes input file & copybook and converts to output display format ?
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Nic Clouston

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PostPosted: Thu Sep 12, 2019 1:13 am
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A reasonably simple sort process will do it. Examples exist.
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Rohit Umarjikar

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PostPosted: Thu Sep 12, 2019 3:08 am
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If it’s few fields then DFSORT/SYNCSORT can be used to convert them to any EDITed Zoned Decimal format but if it’s so many fields then write a COBOL program to write in readable format.
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 12, 2019 7:09 pm
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Rohit Umarjikar wrote:
If it’s few fields then DFSORT/SYNCSORT can be used to convert them to any EDITed Zoned Decimal format but if it’s so many fields then write a COBOL program to write in readable format.

Yes, this is correct.
Only one problem exists: writing any COBOL program just to convert field formats takes about 50-100 times more efforts (and 100-300 times more lines of code, in total - including compilation and binder steps coding, and debugging) compared to doing the same via SORT control statements.

Using COBOL makes sense only when some other processing is required (or has been already implemented) via COBOL.
Writing a new COBOL code specifically to convert field formats is a good exercise for learning COBOL, but nothing else.
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 12, 2019 7:35 pm
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The only visible problem in using SORT control statements is: its requirement to specify actual field positions within the record. In COBOL, so called COPYBOOKs are used (I hope so?) for this purpose - to refer to any field of the record by its symbolic name.

In order to simplify this process in SORT approach, especially when hundreds of different files need to be converted and transferred, I had to write (already several times in my career) quite simple REXX code, to provide conversion of COBOL copybook(s) to their equivalent SORT symbol table(s). This has simplified the conversion process dramatically.

I had to re-create similar REXX scripts every time I left one company, and joined another one, for not to "violate the signed agreements on company copyright formalities for any created code". This rarely took longer than 30 minutes.

Just recently I had to created one of those scripts again. I can demonstrate it as an example; every version of those codes usually had specific limitations depending on possible variety of used records.
In each particular case it can be enhanced, to handle more specific record variations used by a particular company.
/* REXX */                                                         
XCOBSYM: /* conversion of COBOL layout to SORT symbol table */ 
         /* limited version; to be enchanced to handle :           
            - OCCURS groups, on multiple levels                     
            - REDEFINE groups                                       
Arg FromDD ToDD .                                                   
If FromDD = '' Then                                                 
   FromDD = 'COBOLIN'                                               
If ToDD = '' Then                                                   
   ToDD = 'SYMOUT'                                                 
"EXECIO * DISKR" FromDD "(FINIS"                                   
Lines = Queued()                                                   
Parse Source . . REXXNAME .                                         
LongLine = ''                                                       
StemNum = 0                                                         
StemLine. = ''                                                     
Do x = 1 By 1 To Lines                                             
   Pull . =7 TestLine =73 .                                         
   If Left( TestLine, 1 ) ¬= '*' ,                                 
    & TestLine ¬= ' ' Then Do                                       
      TestLine = Space( TestLine, 1 )                               
      LongLine = LongLine TestLine                                 
      If Right( TestLine, 1 ) = '.' Then Do                         
         LongLine = Left( LongLine, Length(LongLine) - 1 )         
         StemNum = StemNum + 1                                     
         StemLine.StemNum = LongLine                               
         LongLine = ''                                             
End x                                                               
StemLine.0 = StemNum                                               
Queue "*======================================================"     
Queue "* Symbolic Names Table for SORT"                             
Queue "* Created by" REXXNAME "on" Date() "at" Time()                   
Queue "* from COBOL layout definition"                                 
Queue "*======================================================"         
Occurs.0 = 0                                                           
RedefLevel = 0                                                         
Do x = 1 By 1 To StemLine.0                                             
   Parse Var StemLine.x FLevel FName FDescr                             
   If Level = '*' ,                                                     
    | Descr = '' Then Do                                               
      Iterate x                                                         
   Call ProcessQueue FLevel FName FDescr                               
End x                                                                   
"EXECIO" Queued() "DISKW" ToDD "(FINIS"                                 
Return 0                                                               
ProcessQueue: procedure expose Occurs. RedefLevel                       
Arg Level C_Name Descr                                                 
If RedefLevel > 0 Then Do                                               
   If Level + 0 > RedefLevel Then Do                                   
      Queue "*" Level C_Name Descr                                     
      Return 0                                                         
   Else Do                                                             
      RedefLevel = 0                                                   
/*    Say "continue from:" Level C_Name Descr */                       
If Pos( 'REDEF', Descr ) > 0 Then Do                                   
   RedefLevel = Level + 0                                               
   Queue "*" Level C_Name Descr                                         
Else Do                                                               
   If Level = '88' Then Do                                           
      Return 0                                                       
   Parse Var Descr . 'OCCURS' Array_Size .                           
   NewLine = ''                                                       
   Name = Translate( C_Name, '_', '-' )                               
   If Left( Name, 3 ) = 'FD_' Then                                   
      Name = Substr( Name, 4 )                                       
   Parse Var Descr . 'PICTURE' PicValue LeftDescr                     
   If PicValue = '' Then                                             
      Parse Var Descr . 'PIC' PicValue LeftDescr                     
   If PicValue = '' Then Do                                           
      Queue "*" Level Name Descr                                     
      If Array_Size > '' Then Do /* OCCURS only - for the group */   
         Array_Level = Occurs.0 + 1                                   
         Occurs.Array_Level.Prefix = Level                           
         Occurs.Array_Level.Count  = Array_Size                       
         Occurs.0 = Array_Level                                       
         If ¬ Datatype( Array_Size, 'W' ) ,                           
          | Array_Size > 1 Then Do                                   
            Say "*" Name Descr                                       
            Say "* OCCURS clause not supported"                       
            Say "* Program terminated. RC=8"                         
            Exit 8                                                   
      Else                       /* just dummy group */               
         Return 0                                                     
   LongPic = ''                                                       
   Do x = 1 By 1 While PicValue > ''                                 
      Parse Var PicValue PicChar +1 PicValue                         
      If Left( PicValue, 1 ) = '(' Then Do                         
         Parse Var PicValue '(' CharCount ')' PicValue             
         If ¬ Datatype( CharCount, 'W' ) Then Do                   
            Say "*" Name Descr                                     
            Say "* bad size count:" PicChar"("CharCount")"PicValue 
            Say "* Program terminated. RC=12"                       
            Exit 12                                                 
         PicChar = Copies( PicChar, CharCount )                     
      LongPic = LongPic || PicChar                                 
   End x                                                           
   S_Count = 0                                                     
   D_Count = 0                                                     
   V_Count = 0                                                     
   X_Count = 0                                                     
   O_Count = 0                                                     
   Do i = 1 By 1 While LongPic > ''                                 
      Parse Var LongPic Cx +1 LongPic                               
      When Cx = 'S' Then S_Count = S_Count + 1                     
      When Cx = '9' Then D_Count = D_Count + 1                     
      When Cx = 'V' Then V_Count = V_Count + 1                     
      When Cx = 'X' Then X_Count = X_Count + 1                     
      Otherwise          O_Count = O_Count + 1                     
      End /* Select */                                             
   End i                                                           
   When Pos( 'COMP-3', LeftDescr ) > 0 ,                           
      | Pos( 'COMPUTATIONAL-3', LeftDescr ) > 0 Then Do             
      Size = (D_Count + 2) % 2                                     
      Type = "PD"                                                   
   When Pos( 'COMP-1', LeftDescr ) > 0 ,                           
      | Pos( 'COMPUTATIONAL-1', LeftDescr ) > 0 ,                       
      | Pos( 'COMP', LeftDescr ) > 0 ,                                 
      | Pos( 'COMPUTATIONAL', LeftDescr ) > 0 Then Do                   
      Size = 2 + 2 * (D_Count >= 5) + 4 * (D_Count >= 10)               
      Type = "BI"                                                       
   When X_Count = 0 Then Do /* PIC S99999V99 */                         
      Size = D_Count + O_Count                                         
      Type = "CH"                                                       
   Otherwise               /* some 'X' found -> not zoned decimal */   
      Size = S_Count + D_Count + X_Count + O_Count                     
      Type = "CH"                                                       
   End /* Select */                                                     
   If Name = 'FILLER' Then Do                                           
      Queue "*" Level C_Name Descr                                     
      Queue "SKIP,"Size                                                 
   Else Do                                                             
      Queue "*" Level C_Name Descr                                     
      Queue Name",*,"Size","Type                                       
Return 0                                                               
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 12, 2019 9:16 pm
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Some typo in the copied code above, sorry... icon_redface.gif
Not extremely important, but misleading.

 . . . . . . . . . . . .                                                                         
Occurs.0 = 0                                                           
RedefLevel = 0                                                         
Do x = 1 By 1 To StemLine.0                                             
   Parse Var StemLine.x FLevel FName FDescr                             
   If FLevel = '*' ,                                                     
    | FDescr = '' Then Do                                               
      Iterate x                                                         
   Call ProcessQueue FLevel FName FDescr                               
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 12, 2019 10:45 pm
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Nic Clouston.

Writing SORT step for 70+ files with different layouts is cumbersome. As for every PD / Binary field we need to first calculate location of every field in input and output. Also manual calculation to convert size of field into target format.

I thought this is standard requirement which every one needs; why IBM has not provided any standard utility.

Rohit Umarjikar.

Personally I feel creating output copybook layout with unpacked fields; then moving input fields to output copybook is also the solution. SORT might get complex after we add additional filtering criteria or want to change fields.


In mainframe if you open copybook using file manager / fileaid; it gives you starting position of every field.

Also; listing of the program should give starting position of every field. (I have not tried this.)

I strongly feel this is where mainframe is lagging. Even for standard requirement there is no library functions available. Where java is growing with lot of reusable libraries.
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 13, 2019 3:37 am
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Even for standard requirement there is no library functions available.

making <binary> fields readable might be a common/standard requirement,

why IBM has not provided any standard utility.

You would still have to provide for each field ,

source position, source length, source type
destination position, destination length, destination type

no library function /utility will do the above by itself

providing the above info would be as cumbersome as writing the sort control cards or the cobol file layouts
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Rohit Umarjikar

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PostPosted: Fri Sep 13, 2019 9:38 am
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Personally I feel creating output copybook layout with unpacked fields; then moving input fields to output copybook is also the solution.
That is what I meant by writing a COBOL program which reusable for many datasets with different copybooks. It’s a clean way To maintain and achieve the results. Many years back we had written standard subprograms which will convert the comp and pd values to readable format, you could write that one and call it across many fields.
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Phrzby Phil

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 15, 2019 12:18 am
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I have done this as suggested above with an unpacked version of the copybook (easy to create).

MOVE CORRESPONDING is helpful, except as I remember does not handle OCCURS items.

Another reason to use a program as opposed to a utility is that if (when) there are errors (and when are there not?), tracing back to the source, especially by someone other than the converting person, is more straightforward.
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REXX Moderator

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 15, 2019 7:53 pm
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A_programmers wrote:
I have mainframe file (& corresponding copybook layout). This file contains combination packed and binary fields. Before sending (sftp) this file to Windows; I want to convert all packed / binary fields into display format fields.
A_programmers wrote:
Writing SORT step for 70+ files with different layouts is cumbersome.

Your question was about ONE file, but when provided with a solution you start talking about 70+ files !
This means you have been wasting our time.
Please don't do that ! sterb050.gif
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 16, 2019 7:36 pm
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Our shop uses INSYNC, a product from Macro4 to convert files from one format to another. It’s competitors (File aid from Compuware and File Manager from IBM) likely have similar capabilities.

I also have an automated process that converts COBOL copybooks to DFSORT symbols and then generates the BUILD statement to convert the file. I tend to prefer the INSYNC approach now.
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 16, 2019 10:27 pm
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Whenever the SORT symbols table is automatically created from the COBOL copybook, then any conversion of any dataset to printable format (e.g. suitable to FTP to other platforms) becomes just a piece of cake. With new conversion features of nowadays utilities creating a new COBOL program for each dataset conversion is possible, but seems to be a sort of masochism.

In my experience a typical JCL to convert a particular file looks like this
//CONVERT EXEC CONV2FTP,     standard procedure
 SORT FIELDS=COPY                                                   
 OUTREC BUILD=(FIELD_PIC20X,                 PIC X(20).             
               FLAG_PIC1X,                   PIC X.                 
               FIELD_9_5,                    PIC 9(5).             
               FIELD_S9_5,                   PIC S9(5).             
               FIELD_S9_5V2,                 PIC S9(5)V99.         
               COMP3_9_4,                    PIC 9(4) COMP-3.       
               COMP3_S9_8,                   PIC S9(8) COMP-3.     
               COMP3_S9_8V2,                 PIC S9(8)V99 COMP-3.   
               COMP_9_4,                    PIC 9(4) COMP.         
               COMP_S9_8,                   PIC S9(8) COMP.         
               COMP_S9_5V2,                 PIC S9(8)V99 COMP.     
               DATE_YYDDD_PACKED,           PIC 99999 COMP-3.       
               DATE_YYMMDD_PACKED,          PIC 999999 COMP-3.     
               DATE_YYYYMMDD_PACKED,        PIC 99999999 COMP-3.   
               DATE_YYDDD,                  PIC 99999.             
               DATE_YYMMDD,                 PIC 999999.             
               DATE_YYYYMMDD,               PIC 99999999.           
               TIME_HHMM_PACKED,            PIC 9999 COMP-3.       
               TIME_HHMMSS_PACKED,          PIC 999999 COMP-3.     
               TIME_HHMM,                   PIC 9999.       
               TIME_HHMMSS,                 PIC 999999.     

Assuming we have input record copybook INRECORD as follows
       01 TEST-COBOL-DATA.                                           
          05 CHARACTER-DATA.                                         
             10 FIELD-PIC20X                  PIC X(20).             
             10 FLAG-PIC1X                    PIC X.                 
          05 NUMERIC-DATA.                                           
             10 FIELD-9-5                     PIC 9(5).             
             10 FIELD-S9-5                    PIC S9(5).             
             10 FIELD-S9-5V2                  PIC S9(5)V99.         
          05 DECIMAL-DATA.                                           
             10 COMP3-9-4                     PIC 9(4) COMP-3.       
             10 COMP3-S9-8                    PIC S9(8) COMP-3.     
             10 COMP3-S9-8V2                  PIC S9(8)V99 COMP-3.   
          05 BINARY-DATA.                                           
             10 COMP-9-4                     PIC 9(4) COMP.         
             10 COMP-S9-8                    PIC S9(8) COMP.         
             10 COMP-S9-5V2                  PIC S9(8)V99 COMP.     
          05 DATE-DATA.                                             
             10 DATE-YYDDD-PACKED            PIC 99999 COMP-3.       
             10 DATE-YYMMDD-PACKED           PIC 999999 COMP-3.     
             10 DATE-YYYYMMDD-PACKED         PIC 99999999 COMP-3.   
             10 DATE-YYDDD                   PIC 99999.             
             10 DATE-YYMMDD                  PIC 999999.             
             10 DATE-YYYYMMDD                PIC 99999999.           
          05 TIME-DATA.                                             
             10 TIME-HHMM-PACKED             PIC 9999 COMP-3.       
             10 TIME-HHMMSS-PACKED           PIC 999999 COMP-3.     
             10 TIME-HHMM                    PIC 9999.               
             10 TIME-HHMMSS                  PIC 999999.             
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Senior Member

Joined: 29 Apr 2008
Posts: 2159
Location: USA

PostPosted: Tue Sep 17, 2019 12:05 am
Reply with quote

Exactly in the same manner the output format can be easily changed to, let's say, CSV file:
//CONVERT EXEC CONV2FTP,     standard procedure
 SORT FIELDS=COPY                                                   
 OUTREC BUILD=(C'"',                                               
               FIELD_PIC20X,                 PIC X(20).             
        C'","',FLAG_PIC1X,                   PIC X.                 
        C'","',FIELD_9_5,                    PIC 9(5).             
        C'","',FIELD_S9_5,                   PIC S9(5).             
        C'","',FIELD_S9_5V2,                 PIC S9(5)V99.         
        C'","',COMP3_9_4,                    PIC 9(4) COMP-3.       
        C'","',COMP3_S9_8,                   PIC S9(8) COMP-3.     
        C'","',COMP3_S9_8V2,                 PIC S9(8)V99 COMP-3.   
        C'","',COMP_9_4,                    PIC 9(4) COMP.         
        C'","',COMP_S9_8,                   PIC S9(8) COMP.         
        C'","',COMP_S9_5V2,                 PIC S9(8)V99 COMP.     
        C'","',DATE_YYDDD_PACKED,           PIC 99999 COMP-3.       
        C'","',DATE_YYMMDD_PACKED,          PIC 999999 COMP-3.     
        C'","',DATE_YYYYMMDD_PACKED,        PIC 99999999 COMP-3.   
        C'","',DATE_YYDDD,                  PIC 99999.             
        C'","',DATE_YYMMDD,                 PIC 999999.             
        C'","',DATE_YYYYMMDD,               PIC 99999999.           
        C'","',TIME_HHMM_PACKED,            PIC 9999 COMP-3.       
        C'","',TIME_HHMMSS_PACKED,          PIC 999999 COMP-3.     
        C'","',TIME_HHMM,                   PIC 9999.         
        C'","',TIME_HHMMSS,                 PIC 999999.       
 OUTFIL FTOV,                                                 
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