If column 3 in the input file contains Q then my output PS/PDS member should be static as shown below,
You are not eligible for asset tiering of brokerage accounts
If column 3 is Y the my output should be dynamic and contain multiple lines as shown below,
You are not eligible for asset tiering of brokerage accounts
You were were eligible till 2019-02-01.
Since you have been recently removed we want to give you another chance.
Please contact support team if any questions.
My attempt:
I tried using ICETOOL where i kept the verbiage "You are not eligible for asset tiering of brokerage accounts" in a HEADER field since its the first line for both output are same. It worked fine.
HEADER1=(1:'You are not eligible for asset tiering of brokerage accounts')
Now to get 2nd line partially i tried using below and worked fine.
BUILD=(C'You were were eligible till ',80:X))
I am not sure of how to proceed to get the dyanamic 'YYYY-MM-DD' from input for 2nd line as well as 3rd and 4th line.
Any constructive suggestions are much appreciated.
Note: I have cooked up the verbiage and it has no relation to where I work. Thanks!