I have one sort card it will build the records from the input file and one filed is which is coming from the ESP scheduler which is previous work date as variable !PREVDT , i need to use this variable to get the previous date . As SYSIN card is not accepting the PREVDT esp varaibles so I am used the in the JCL which is expanding and then using that variable to SYSIN in symbolic parameter . It not accepting the symbolic parameter in sysin card . Can you please help me how to resolve this issue .
Joined: 06 Jun 2008 Posts: 8700 Location: Dubuque, Iowa, USA
The first answer is that what you want to do requires z/OS 2.1. If you are running a release of z/OS before 2.1, what you want to do cannot be done, period.
If you ARE running z/OS 2.1, using symbols in an in-stream data set requires you to use EXPORT and SET in your JCL and adding the SYMBOLS= keyword to your DD statement.
Also note that your site support group can enable symbol support in in-stream data sets on a job class basis, so you MUST contact your site support group to verify that they have installed the support and which job classes are allowed to use in-stream symbols. If you attempt to use an in-stream symbol and the job class your job runs under does not support it, you will get an error message. This is why you MUST contact your site support group -- we do not work for your site and hence cannot tell you whether or not you can use symbols with in-stream data and if so which classes are supported.
Thanks for your information.. you are correct i am using the z/OS 2.1 version.Can you please give the how to use this export and SET combination in my case ..
I have used the !PREVDT in JCL and it is substituted but when i used same in the Sysin card file it is not allowing , So I used the symbolic parameter PREVDTE to get the !PREVDT . The substitute of !PREVDT has done and I am planning to move symbolic parameter &PREVDTE to the sysin card file ..
You mean to say that i need to use the sysin dd * and the sort card
i have tried that also but it is not working .. I am ready to do the customize the control card for my requirements ..
You will have to find a way to perform the symbol substitution Yourself
because neither jJES or ESP will look at the data contained in some.dataset.name
The combination like this will not work anyway, either your parameters have been substituted, or not.
// SET PREVDTE='20171030'
OUTREC FIELDS=(. . . . . . .
36:&PREVDTE, ---- this is giving issue while running the job
Do you understand at least this simple thing?
Have you ever read any SORT manual? Any JCL manual? Any "computer programming" manual?
Have you ever created any WORKING program in ANY language - by yourself, not copy-pasted from some forums?
Joined: 06 Jun 2008 Posts: 8700 Location: Dubuque, Iowa, USA
Saying something "is not working" is completely useless. What error message(s) do you get? Have you talked to your site support group? Have you read up on the EXPORT and SET statements in the JCL Reference manual? I have used EXPORT and SET with a SYMBOLS DD statement on my z/OS 2.1 system, so I know it works. If it is failing for you, then you do not have it set up correctly or your site support group has not set up in-stream symbols for the job class your job executes in (in which case only your site support group will be able to assist you).
I have tried using the inline variable for that it is not working . please help me to resolve this issue ..
Example is :
Prior to substitute variables, try to start with simple SORT examples with one sort field. Reading basic SORT/JCL manuals might help. Run YOURSELF 10-20-30 sort jobs CREATED BY YOU PERSONALLY. Then search for existing answers on various forums. Try to participate in the Beginners Forum.
Please, don't request other people just to do YOUR job, free of charge. People here usually help others to understand some strange or sophisticated issues, but do not provide ready solutions of others' job of the level "how to multiply 2*2"?