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Viewing executing process in NDM .. questions about compress

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Joined: 14 Dec 2016
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Location: United States / MN

PostPosted: Wed Dec 14, 2016 10:55 pm
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This is just a "why" question .. no specific problem, I am just wondering if others have seen this.

We are using NDM to transfer large files that are densely populated with data (i.e., no spaces, no regularly occurring patterns of text). For this reason, I turned off compression in the process. A quick side-note, turning off compression made a 70% difference in transfer times for these large files.

The problem is, when we view the executing process via the TSO interface, the compression factor is usually indicated to be between .3% and 2.2% as the process executes. When I look into the statistics of the completed process, no compression was used, and the compression factor is shown properly as 0.0%.

I have confirmed that the executing process does not have the COMPRESS keyword in it, and the relevant netmap entries also have nothing indicating a default compression scheme. Our NDM initialization setup is not forcing compression on any process, either.

So .. has anyone else seen this? Does anyone have a guess as to why it's showing any compression factor at all? After discussing with my colleagues, the best guess is that it's estimating what could be done with compression .. but that makes no sense to me.

I'm attaching a screenshot of the executing process, and a screenshot of the completed process. Please note the compression factor shown in the very right bottom corner of each screenshot. I am also pasting in the view of the executing process here ..

********************************************************** Top of Data ***
                       VIEW PROCESS                                       
           PROCESS NAME: xxxxxxx PROCESS NUMBER: 23,234                 
label         PROCESS SNODE=xxxxxxxxxxxxx                                 -     
                PNODE=xxxxxxxxxxxx                                  -     
                PNODEID=(xxxxxxxx,XXXXXXX)                   -           
                SNODEID=(xxxxxxx,XXXXXXXX)                          -     
                RETAIN=NO                                           -     
                MAXDELAY=UNLIMITED                                  -     
                CLASS=2                                             -     
TEP01   COPY FROM                                                   -     
         (PNODE                                                     -     
          DSN='xxxxxxxxT.ENH2461.G0082V00'           -     
          SPACE=(27920,(00000419,00000900,),,,ROUND)                -     
          DCB=(                                                     -     
               BLKSIZE=0000027920                                   -     
               DSORG=PS                                             -     
               LRECL=00080                                          -     
               RECFM=FB                                             -     
              )                                                     -     
          DISP=(OLD,DELETE,KEEP)                                    -     
          UNIT=(3390,,)                                             -     
         )                                                          -     
             TO                                                     -     
         (SNODE                                                     -     
          DSN='xxxxxxxEDST.ENH2461.G0001V00'             -     
          DCB=(                                                     -     
               BLKSIZE=0000027920                                   -     
               DSORG=PS                                             -     
               LRECL=00080                                          -     
               RECFM=FB                                             -     
              )                                                     -     
          DISP=(NEW,CATLG,DELETE)                                   -     
          UNIT=(3390,,)                                             -     
********************************************************* Bottom of Data *
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