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need help on SAS, new line is coming in a column

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Joined: 23 Aug 2006
Posts: 13

PostPosted: Thu Jan 31, 2013 12:41 am
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I am written below code to create s xls output with 3 tabs, my xls with 3 tabs are getting created successgully, only issue is that field COVERAGETYPE is not getting displayed like other columns though it has values. The reason looks like it has newline. I have attached the spreadshhet for the reference, please see the COVERAGETYPE field in 1st and 3 rd tab.

Can someone please advise, how can I either remove this newline from COVERAGETYPE column or else add new line to each column.

DATA ONNMS;                                               
INFILE SASIN;                                             
      SUBSID  $14-23 LASTNAME $43-67 FIRSTNAME $26-40     
      GROUP $70-75 SUBGROUP $78-80 COVERAGETYPE $85-93     
      EFFECTIVEDATE $96-103;                               
  IF _N_ < 5 THEN DELETE;                                 
DATA ONLOCAL;                                             
INFILE SASIN2;                                             
      SUBSID   $57-65 COVERAGE $14-20 LASTNAME $35-48     
      FIRSTNAME $23-32 MI $51-51;                         
  IF _N_ < 6 THEN DELETE;                                 
DATA ONCOB;                                               
INFILE SASIN3;                                             
      SUBSID  $3-12 LASTNAME $31-55 FIRSTNAME $14-28           
      GROUP $58-63 SUBGROUP $66-68 COVERAGETYPE $73-81         
      EFFECTIVEDATE $84-91 COBRAINDICATOR $96-96;               
  IF _N_ < 5 THEN DELETE;                                       
  ODS LISTING CLOSE;                                           
  ODS TAGSETS.EXCELXP BODY="W061229"                           
    PATH =O1PDSE(URL=NONE)                                     
  PROC PRINT DATA=ONNMS NOOBS;                                 
  VAR SUBSID  / STYLE={TAGATTR="\0000000000"};                 
  VAR LASTNAME FIRSTNAME;                                       
  VAR GROUP  / STYLE={TAGATTR="\000000"};                       
  VAR SUBGROUP  / STYLE={TAGATTR="\000"};                       
  VAR COVERAGETYPE EFFECTIVEDATE;                               
  PROC PRINT DATA=ONLOCAL NOOBS;                               
  VAR SUBSID  / STYLE={TAGATTR="\000000000"};                   
  VAR COVERAGE  LASTNAME;                                       
  VAR FIRSTNAME MI;                                             
  PROC PRINT DATA=ONCOB NOOBS;                                 
  VAR SUBSID  / STYLE={TAGATTR="\0000000000"};                 
  VAR LASTNAME;                                                 
  VAR FIRSTNAME;                                               
  VAR GROUP  / STYLE={TAGATTR="\000000"};                       
  VAR SUBGROUP  / STYLE={TAGATTR="\000"};                       
  VAR COVERAGETYPE;                                             
  VAR EFFECTIVEDATE COBRAINDICATOR;                             
    ODS TAGSETS.EXCELXP CLOSE;                                 
  ODS LISTING ;               
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Joined: 14 Mar 2007
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Location: italy

PostPosted: Thu Jan 31, 2013 1:48 am
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do not post attachment very few people are able to download and see them.
the attachment was deleted and Your topic was edited to provide better readability using the code tags
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Joined: 28 Aug 2007
Posts: 1744
Location: Tirupur, India

PostPosted: Thu Jan 31, 2013 12:20 pm
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With all due respect, If the TS is generating an Excel file and wants to explain the scenario, the only possibility is to post the Excel, even a screenshot/copy paste of text wont help since the underlying XML has to be looked at.
the attachment was deleted
Now no one can see it :-(
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