Issue - Dataset DD name 'E' was mentioned in JCL but it was not mentioned Parmlib .
Since the same SYSIN parm member is used in muliple jobs,is there anyway to handle in parm without changing JCL (ie IF DD name not present in JCL it should work )
Additional Information -
1) Input parm is used in 10 Job .Out of 10 ,9 of the JCLS having DD name 'E' except this Job dent have DD name 'E'.
2) we know one opton is to change the parm (remove the DD name 'E' ) but problem is 10 of the JCLS uses this same parm and other JCLS having DD name 'E'. But we are checking with you all to handle this issue in SYSIN parm itself without modifying JCL
Please let me know if you need more details ,above was not clear .Please help us.
I'm not quite clear about this. Your example shows a name of "AE" in the sysin, but you say that your JCL has A, B, C & D defined.
So surely your problem is that you are trying to write out to file AE which is not in your JCL? But you seem to suggest that the issue is that you have a file in the JCL that is not in your sysin?
You can have as many file definitions as you like in your JCL. If they are not referenced in your sysin, then the program will not access them. So, define all possible options in your JCL and the job will work (NB: although the job will not access those files, it will still catalog an empty one, which may not be what you want).
the issue is just that ...
the TS has fileaid control cards which refer to some DDs ,
and he/she wants some magic to avoid the error which occurs when the expected DDs are not there