I have used FBA for the outrec. Is that causing an issue ? If I use FB, I get the error : RECFM INCOMPATIBLE WITH REPORT WRITING along with the original LRECL error.
This is the explanation for the error message which I am getting when I do a QW. But I am not getting any help out of it
EXPLANATION: The 'ddname' will be SORTOUT,
SORTOFxx or SORTOFxx. There is a conflict be-
tween the LRECL specification for the indicated
output file and either the post-OUTFIL or
post-OUTREC record length. Padding of records
is not permitted after OUTFIL processing, so
the LRECL may not be greater than the
post-OUTFIL record length. Alternately, trun-
cation of records is not permitted after the
OUTREC statement or the OUTFIL OUTREC process-
ing, so the LRECL may not be less than the
post-OUTREC record length.
Joined: 10 May 2007 Posts: 2454 Location: Hampshire, UK
When you add up the output bytes in your control cards waht does the total come to for a line? I can't do it as you have not encoded your data so spaces may be missing.
And what is that coded in the DCB parameter. If SYNCSORT is like DFSORT it will calculate the parameters for you nd therefor give you the correct ones.
Joined: 10 May 2007 Posts: 2454 Location: Hampshire, UK
Don't you think that it might be more worthwhile posting your output with hex on and using the code tags? And the copybook for the file when it was originally created may help those trying to analyse your request. Also, generally I think, if you provide DCB info then it over-rides what sort thinks it needs so did you try without any DCB info as suggested before?
If you are not prepared to try the suggestions why should we bother making the suggestions?
Joined: 10 May 2007 Posts: 2454 Location: Hampshire, UK
Well, blimey! I've never used SYNCSORT and the DCB thing was just a wild guess from reading every post that comes along. Wheee! Makes up for a bad weekend!