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Expanding a copybook called in cobol using clist

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 20, 2009 4:20 pm
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Hello All,
I am trying to prepare a tool which can expand a copybook used in a cobol program,
This will help me a great deal in analysing the programs which have plenty of copybooks called in it.
I am planning to using clist language for this purpose. Please let me know if this is possible using CLIST.


Tapas Patel
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 20, 2009 4:21 pm
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Probably is, but REXX would be a far far better language to use.
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 20, 2009 4:23 pm
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a yes/no question deserves a Yes/no answer...
YES if You have the skills, but

no reason to reinvent the wheel,
the issue has been debated quite a few times,
it would be more productive to use rexx
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 20, 2009 5:36 pm
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Thanks for the response...I will try to accomplish this using REXX. Can you please advise me, if there is any functionality or utility in REXX that i can use for this purpose.
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 20, 2009 5:44 pm
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You don't have to use any special functionality in REXX to do this.
You will need to write simple REXX program which will read whole Cobol program to Stem Variable.
Then read each line of COBOL and find out the copy book members.
Read the copybook member in another stem variable and then keep inserting copybook stemmed data to first one to get the third stem variable.
At the end you can write the third stem variable to temp file and view it on ISPF.

You need to know some basics of the REXX to write the code. Let the forum know if you are stuck on something.
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 20, 2009 5:48 pm
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d_pansare wrote:
You don't have to use any special functionality in REXX to do this.
You will need to write simple REXX program which will read whole Cobol program to Stem Variable.
Then read each line of COBOL and find out the copy book members.
Read the copybook member in another stem variable and then keep inserting copybook stemmed data to first one to get the third stem variable.
At the end you can write the third stem variable to temp file and view it on ISPF.

You need to know some basics of the REXX to write the code. Let the forum know if you are stuck on something.

Whoa back a minute !

You are making some assumptions here. What if a copybook includes another copybook. Once, or multiple times.

Without the full information it is rather risky to make the project spec.

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 21, 2009 9:33 am
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Thanks everybody...
I actually searched in the forum before posting this query and also found that this topic had been/is being discussed,
but as I didn't find an exact answer to my question I posted the query...
Anyways I have started working on this tool and hope to complete it soon Thanks again!! icon_biggrin.gif
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Anuj Dhawan

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 21, 2009 12:53 pm
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Good Luck and keep us posted about your progress ... icon_smile.gif
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 22, 2010 6:33 pm
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May I know the steps which you have followed for preparing this tool.
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Jeffrey Ranney

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PostPosted: Tue Dec 28, 2010 2:40 am
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This should be a rather simple CLIST or REXX program.
Find the name of the COPYBOOK on a line of code, then open the copybook library and read it line by line inserting BEFORE the line after the COPY line in the code as MSGLINEs or NOTELINEs.
A RESET will then remove these lines from the source code.
If you have not yet figured this out, please reply and I will derive the source code for this. Happy Holidays !!
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 28, 2010 3:03 am
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what about investigating the use of ISRLEMX
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Anuj Dhawan

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 30, 2010 9:10 pm
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Try this:
/* REXX EDIT MACRO                                              */ 
ADDRESS ISREDIT                                                     
"MACRO PROCESS"                                                     
/* ============================================================ */ 
CPYLIB = "your.coybook.library"                               
C_CNT = 0                                                           
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */ 
/* LOOP THROUGH PROGRAM SOURCE */                                   
"(CURRLN) = LINENUM .ZCSR"            /* CURRENT LINE           */ 
"(LASTLN) = LINENUM .ZLAST"           /* LAST LINE NUMBER       */ 
I = 0                                                               
DO FOREVER                                                         
   I = I + 1                                                       
   IF I > LASTLN THEN LEAVE                                         
   "(LINE)  = LINE " I                                             
   LINE = SUBSTR(LINE,7,64)                                         
   CMD = SUBWORD(LINE,1,1)                                           
   CPY = SUBWORD(LINE,2,1)                                           
   UPPER CMD                                                         
   if datatype(CMD) = 'NUM' then do                                   
      CMD = SUBWORD(LINE,3,1)                                         
      CPY = SUBWORD(LINE,4,1)                                         
   IF CMD \= 'COPY' & CMD \= 'INCLUDE' THEN ITERATE                   
   CPY = STRIP(CPY,'L','&')                                           
   CPY = STRIP(CPY,'T','.')                                           
   CALL EXPAND_COPYBOOK                                               
"UP MAX"                                                             
"DOWN " CURRLN                                                       
ZEDLMSG = 'Use the UNEC command to remove ' C_CNT ' expanded copybooks'
ADDRESS ISPEXEC "SETMSG MSG(ISRZ000)"                                 
EXIT 0                                                               
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */ 
   /* CHECK IF COPYBOOK EXISTS */                                   
   DSN = CPYLIB || "("CPY")"                                       
   RC = SYSDSN("'"DSN"'")                                           
   IF (RC \= 'OK') THEN DO                                         
      MSG = "'COPYBOOK NOT FOUND:" CPY "'"                         
      "ISREDIT LINE_AFTER " I "= NOTELINE" MSG                     
   C_CNT = C_CNT + 1                                               
   /* READ COPYBOOK */                                             
   ADDRESS TSO                                                     
   "ALLOC FI(IFILE) DA('" || DSN || "') SHR"                       
   'EXECIO * DISKR IFILE (STEM BOOK.'                               
   'EXECIO 0 DISKR IFILE (FINIS'                                   
   'FREE F(IFILE)'                                                 
   ADDRESS ISREDIT                                                   
   /* PASTE COPYBOOK INTO PROGRAM SOURCE */                           
   LN = I                                                             
   P  = 1                                                             
   D  = +1                                                           
   DO J = 1 TO BOOK.0                                                 
   /* P = P + D          */                                           
   /* if P = 6 then do   */                                           
   /*    D = -1          */                                           
   /*    P = 4           */                                           
   /* end                */                                           
   /* if P = 1 then do   */                                           
   /*    D = +1          */                                           
   /*    P = 3           */                                           
   /* end                */                                           
      MARK = '|++++|'                                                 
   /* MARK= overlay('+',MARK,P,1) */                                 
   /* MARK= overlay('+',MARK,P,1) */                                   
      TXT = SUBSTR(BOOK.J,7,66)                                       
      TXT = TRANSLATE(TXT,"'",'"')   /* DOUBLE TO SINGLE QUOTE */     
      MSG = '"' || MARK || TXT || CPY || '"'                           
      "ISREDIT LINE_AFTER " LN "= DATALINE" MSG                       
      LN = LN + 1                                                     
   LASTLN = LASTLN + BOOK.0    /* ADD COPYBOOK LINES */               
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */     
/* ============================================================ */     
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Anuj Dhawan

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 30, 2010 9:13 pm
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In above code, I talk about UNEC command to remove the expanded copybooks - that is nothing but a combination of some edit-commands:

/* REXX EDIT MACRO                                              */
ADDRESS ISREDIT                                                   
"MACRO PROCESS"                                                   
"NUMB OFF"                                                       
"BOUNDS 1 80"                                                     
"X ALL"                                                           
"FIND ALL '|++++|' 1"                                             
"FIND ALL '|++++++|' 73"                                         
"DELETE ALL NX"                                                   
"UP MAX"                                                         
EXIT 1                                                           
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 19, 2012 7:35 pm
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Could some one tell me where do I need to put data set library name where my COBOL program resides in mentioned REXX code?

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Nic Clouston

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 19, 2012 8:47 pm
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It is an edit macro - you execute it when you are in the code (for goodness sake (because I see you have been here 7 years)!)
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 19, 2012 10:11 pm
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This is only going to work if your copy library members are in a PDS, if they are stored on Panvalet or Librarian this Rexx will not give what you want..
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 19, 2012 10:36 pm
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Thanks Mick..

But still I am confused as my PDS name is NPUROCF.USER.COBOL(RPCNP050) and where do I need to place it?
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 19, 2012 11:14 pm
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you execute it when you are in the code

More specifically, while you are editing or viewing your cobol source, you type the name of the "EXPAND ALL COPY STATEMENTS" macro program and press Enter. It does not need to know the name of the cobol source library because you already specified it when you got into the editor.

But note that the "EXPAND ALL COPY STATEMENTS" macro contains this line, which you need to customize:
CPYLIB = "your.coybook.library"   

It assumes that the cobol source and the copybooks are in different libraries.

still I am confused as my PDS name is NPUROCF.USER.COBOL(RPCNP050) and where do I need to place it?

You do not adequately explain what your PDS is... is it cobol source or the copybook?
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 20, 2012 9:56 am
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Hi Pedro,

My COBOL program resides in :- NPUROCF.USER.COBOL
My Copybook library is :- PVCCP.R2C.CPY

I have already mentioned CPYLIB = PVCCP.R2C.CPY

Now my question is where do I need to specify COBOL Program name (i.e. NPUROCF.USER.COBOL(RPCNP050))

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 22, 2012 3:23 pm
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Another option is to run a compile on the program which will expand the program for you. Put the compile listing into a dataset. Then View the dataset and use the below macro on the listing. This will convert it back into COBOL code.
/*  REXX macro to convert COBOL compile listing into source code                                         
ADDRESS ISREDIT                                         
"MACRO (PARM1)"                                         
IF RC <> 0 THEN DO                                     
  SAY 'ERROR:  not a view/edit session.  rc=' rc       
"(state) = USER_STATE"                                 
/* Find only line of cobol code and delete the rest */ 
"X ALL"                                                 
"F P'######' 4 ALL"                                     
"X '==>' 10 ALL"                                       
"DEL X ALL"                                             
/* Blank out line labels */                             
"C P'¬' ' ' 19 24 ALL"                                 
/* Shift all lines */                                   
"(LASTLN) = LINENUM .ZLAST"                             
DO I = 1 TO LASTLN                                     
  "SHIFT ( &I 18"                                       
/* Strip lines to max 72 chars */                       
"(lrecl) = LRECL"                                       
"C P'¬' ' ' 73 &lrecl ALL"                             
/* Restore session */                                   
"USER_STATE = (state)"                                 
"L 1"                                                   
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Nic Clouston

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 22, 2012 4:24 pm
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nileshyp wrote:
Now my question is where do I need to specify COBOL Program name (i.e. NPUROCF.USER.COBOL(RPCNP050))

Well, I have already told you this. It is an edit macro which means that you have to be editing (or viewing) the program source and you type the macro name on the command line and press enter. The actions it takes will be against the source code you are viewing.
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 24, 2012 4:54 am
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Now my question is where do I need to specify COBOL Program name

Expanding on Nic's response: specify the dataset name in panel ISREDM01.
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