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To calculate size occupied by a job

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 18, 2009 5:47 pm
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Hi friends,
I want to write a tool in rexx which will calculate the space occupied by all the jobs present in the spool (S.H).
Can any one help me to get the space occupied by a job.
Will the size of the jobs be stored in any system datasets?

please let me know if any other details required!

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Garry Carroll

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 18, 2009 6:08 pm
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What do you mean by
the space occupied by all the jobs present in the spool

Do you mean the memory that those jobs used while executing? This is show in message IEF374I for each step or IEF376I for each job.

Or do you mean how much DASD the datasets in the job occupy or occupied?

Or do you mean how much space is occupied in the spoool dataset(s)?

Or maybe something else?

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 18, 2009 6:33 pm
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And if you want to use REXX, why post in the JCL forum ?
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 9:57 am
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What exactly I meant was what is the total space occupied by sysout, sysdump, ceedump, etc.
some thing like this:


USE6D500 JOB09670 USE6       4,853,897
USE5D500 JOB09108 USE5       5,390,822
USE6D500 JOB09317 USE6       10M     

I need the details as mentioned above
Job Name, Job Id, User Id and total byte count of all the steps in each step of job.


 JESMSGLG JES2               2,151       
 JESJCL   JES2               5,103       
 JESYSMSG JES2               6,314       
 SYSOUT   S100     S001        301       
 SYSUDUMP S100     S001      18M         
 CEEDUMP  S100     S001      319,103     

In the avove We can see the the SYSDUMP has occupied alot of space.
So, my basic intention is to get the jobs which occupied more space. so that we can purge those jobs.

How can we extract all these details in a rexx program. Are they stored in any datasets?
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 12:21 pm
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The information is stored in the spool, datasets internal to JES. You need to execute SDSF via REXX to get the details.

There are a lot of examples of using SDSF in batch and with REXX on the forum, so start searching .............
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 2:52 pm
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I am finally succesfull in achieving the requirement.
But when I execute the Rexx command in batch it is throwing the error during the call of 'ISFAFD'

   +++ RC(-3) +++                                           

Can't we execute ISFEXEC commands in batch? If we can, what changes needs to be done to the following jcl

//TSOBAT    EXEC PGM=IKJEFT01                       
//SYSTSIN   DD *                                   
//SYSTSPRT  DD SYSOUT=*                             

I gave search in the forum, But I didn't get the exact results what I need.

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 3:04 pm
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You need to allocate all of the ISPF libraries that are allocated to your TSO online session to the batch job.

You also need to use the ISPSTART command to invoke your REXX EXEC.

Many examples available on the forum.
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 5:28 pm
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I got a Rexx code from this link which creates the jcl

Its working fine.
What I can observe is the time taken when I run through batch is more compared to the direct run as tso rexxcmd.
Is this observation correct or it has nothing to with time?

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 07, 2009 6:51 pm
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Hi vvmanyam,

I have same requirement. Can you post the JCL used by you to get the output.

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PostPosted: Thu Apr 09, 2009 8:37 am
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Hi Ram,
What exactly you are looking for?
The JCL to execute the Rexx code with ISPEXEC in Batch or
The Rexx code to get the Jobs in spool and their sizes in a dataset

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dick scherrer

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PostPosted: Thu Apr 09, 2009 8:43 am
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I'm sure that Ram would appreciate both icon_smile.gif

Others with similar requirements could benefit also. . .
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 09, 2009 10:24 am
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This is the Rexx code for my requirement which I have mentioned in my first post. This code is slightly big. There might be any other simplar way to get it, but I am quite new to Rexx, so I coded this program with what ever I have learnt by going through this forum and other docs in net.


/* rexx */                                                                   
/**The Rexx Code Will Scan through all the jobs in S.H                       
   JOBNAME = CG* of all owners                                               
   and get the details of Byte-Cnt of each step of the job.                   
   If any of the setp of a job has a Byte-Cnt more than '500000'             
   A message will be send to the user asking to purge the jobs               
   Message will be send to only those users who are present in the userfil**/
  wrkfil1 = Userid()'.TSO.TEST1'                                             
  userfil = 'USR1.TSO.SOURCE(USERIDS)'                                       
           /*Contains the user ids to whom the message to be sent */         
"ALLOC F(ISFIN) TRACKS SPACE(1) REU"            /* Used by SDSF     */       
 "ALLOC DA('"wrkfil1"') F(ISFOUT) NEW DELETE REU " ,                         
"TRACKS SPACE(100,100) LRECL(133) RECFM(F,B,A) DSORG(PS)" /* work files */   
"ALLOC F(TEMPPRT) NEW DELETE REU " ,                                         
"TRACKS SPACE(100,100) LRECL(133) RECFM(F,B,A) DSORG(PS)"                     
  /* read the userfile in to an array */                                         
  "ALLOC DA('"userfil"') F(INFILE) SHR REUSE"                                   
  "EXECIO * DISKR INFILE (STEM USERIDS. FINIS"                                   
  "FREE DDN(infile)"                                                             
do usr = 1 to userids.0                                                         
   userids.usr = SUBSTR(USERIDS.usr,1,4)                                         
/* First get the First job in S.H */                                             
QUEUE "PRE CG*"                                                                 
QUEUE "H"                                                                       
/* QUEUE "++?" */                                                               
QUEUE "END"                                                                     
"EXECIO" QUEUED()" DISKW ISFIN (FINIS"                                           
  ADDRESS ISPEXEC "SELECT PGM(ISFAFD) PARM('++32,255')"                         
ADDRESS TSO                                                                     
  "ALLOC DA('"wrkfil1"') F(INFILE) SHR REUSE"                                   
  "EXECIO * DISKR INFILE (STEM INAR2. FINIS"                                     
  "FREE DDN(infile)"                                                             
  /* to get the no of jobs in the spool Ex:  LINE 1-7 (7) */                     
   st_pos = pos('(',INAR2.65,1)                                                 
   en_pos = pos(')',INAR2.65,1)                                               
   job_count = substr(INAR2.65,st_pos+1,en_pos-st_pos-1)                     
say 'Total No of jobs in spool :' job_count                                   
/* use '?' to get in to each job and extract the byte-Cnt of each line */     
tjbs = 0                                                                     
do cnt = 0 to job_count-1                                                     
   QUEUE "PRE CG*"                                                           
   QUEUE "H"                                                                 
   QUEUE "down" cnt                                                           
   QUEUE "++?"                                                               
   "EXECIO" QUEUED()" DISKW ISFIN (FINIS"                                     
   ADDRESS ISPEXEC "SELECT PGM(ISFAFD) PARM('++32,255')"                     
   ADDRESS TSO                                                               
   "ALLOC DA('"wrkfil1"') F(INFILE) SHR REUSE"                               
   "EXECIO * DISKR INFILE (STEM INAR2. FINIS"                                 
   "FREE DDN(infile)"                                                         
   tjbs = tjbs + 1                                                           
   stline = inar2.129                                                         
   st_pos = pos('(',stline,55)                                               
   en_pos = pos(')',stline,55)  /* To get no of lines in each job*/         
   job_lct.tjbs = substr(stline,st_pos+1,en_pos-st_pos-1)                   
   Job_name.tjbs= substr(stline,35,8)                                       
   Job_id.tjbs  = substr(stline,45,8)                                       
   job_flag.tjbs  = 'N'                                                     
   job_msize.tjbs = ' '                                                     
   do cnt1 = 1 to Job_lct.tjbs                                               
      tcnt = cnt1 + 131                                                     
        tot_bytes =  substr(inar2.tcnt,87,8)  /* Get the byte count */       
          k = pos('M',tot_bytes)                                             
          if  k > 0 then                                                     
             do       /* Convert the Mega byte count in to Byte count */     
               tot_bytes = substr(tot_bytes,1,k-1) * 1000000                 
               job_flag.tjbs  = 'y'                                         
          s1 = space(TRANSLATE(tot_bytes,' ',','),0)                         
          s1 = TRANSLATE(s1,'0',' ')                                         
          s2 = TRANSLATE(job_msize.tjbs,'0',' ')                             
           if s1 > s2 then   /* Get the max byte count of all steps */       
               job_msize.tjbs = s1                                           
/* Extract only those jobs with byte count more than 500000 */                 
  cnt1 = 0                                                                     
do cnt = 1 to tjbs                                                             
   if job_msize.cnt < 500000 then                                             
    cnt1 = cnt1 + 1                                                           
   DLINES.cnt1     = left(Job_name.cnt,10)  || left(Job_id.cnt,10) ,           
                ||  left(job_lct.cnt,10)  || left(job_flag.cnt,3) ,           
                ||  right(job_msize.cnt,10)                                   
    say 'Total no of jobs with more than 500000 byte count'  cnt1             
    CALL SORT_DLINES                                                           
    "EXECIO * DISKW OUTFIL (STEM DLINES. FINIS"                               
    CALL CREATE_MSG                                                           
    "EXECIO * DISKW OUTFIL2 (STEM MSGL. FINIS"                                 
  DROP DLINES                                                                 
  DROP MSGL                                                                   
/*ADDRESS TSO "SE '"M2"',USER("USER.1"),LOGON" */                             
/* Sort the jobs based on First 4 bytes of the job name */                     
"ALLOC FI(SYSOUT)   SYSOUT(X)"                                                 
"ALLOC FI(SYSIN)    NEW TRACKS SPACE(3 3)     RECFM(F B) LRECL(80)"           
"ALLOC FI(SORTIN)   NEW TRACKS SPACE(133 133) RECFM(F B) LRECL(133)"           
QUEUE " SORT FIELDS=(1,8,CH,A)"                                               
QUEUE " END"                                                                   
"EXECIO "QUEUED() "DISKW SYSIN   ( FINIS"                                     
"EXECIO * DISKW SORTIN  ( STEM  DLINES. FINIS"                                 
   DROP DLINES                                                                 
"CALL *(SORT)"                                                                 
"EXECIO * DISKR SORTOUT ( STEM DLINES. FINIS"                                 
"FREE  FI(SYSIN,SYSOUT,SORTIN,SORTOUT)"                                       
SORT_DLINES_EXIT: RETURN                                                       
/* Send tso message to those users which are present in the Userfile */       
LINE1 =  'USR1                              ************************************
LINE2 =  'USR1                              ********PLEASE PURGE THE FOLLOWING J
LINE3 =  'USR1                                      '                           
MCNT = 0                                                                       
MCNT = 0                                                                       
CUR_USER = space                                                               
DO CNT = 1 TO CNT1                                                             
   temp_user = SUBSTR(DLINES.CNT,1,4) /* first 4 bytes of job name = username*/
   IF CUR_USER ¬= temp_user THEN                                               
      if CHECK_USER()  then                                                     
       if CUR_USER ¬= space then                                               
            MCNT = MCNT + 1                                                     
            MSGL.MCNT = "SE '"LINE1"',USER("CUR_USER"),LOGON"                   
      CUR_USER = temp_user                                                     
      MCNT = MCNT + 1                                                           
      MSGL.MCNT = "SE '"LINE1"',USER("CUR_USER"),LOGON"                         
      MCNT = MCNT + 1                                                           
      MSGL.MCNT = "SE '"LINE2"',USER("CUR_USER"),LOGON"                         
     LINE4 = LINE3||LEFT(substr(DLINES.cnt,1,20),38)                           
     MCNT = MCNT + 1                                                           
     MSGL.MCNT = "SE '"LINE4"',USER("CUR_USER"),LOGON"                         
   IF CNT = CNT1 THEN                                                           
      MCNT = MCNT + 1                                                           
      MSGL.MCNT = "SE '"LINE1"',USER("CUR_USER"),LOGON"                         
CREATE_MSG_EXIT: RETURN                                                         
 do usr = 1 to USERIDS.0                                                       
    if temp_user = userids.usr then                                             
       return 0                                                               
CHECK_USER_EXIT: RETURN 1                                                     

The code looks slightly big, but that is all i have come up with, if any of you have a better solution, please let me know.
The Code is taking around 4 to 5 mins to scan through 1000 jobs
So, I am executing in batch using the jcl generated by the rexx code in the link which I have given it in my previous post.
The jcl is also slightly big, so I have not posted. Let me know if any one needs the jcl also.

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dick scherrer

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PostPosted: Thu Apr 09, 2009 7:38 pm
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Hi Balu,

Thank you for posting your solution icon_smile.gif

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