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New User
Joined: 07 Jan 2008 Posts: 98 Location: Hyderabad
Can anyone let me know the procedure for downloading the SAS dataset present in Mainframe to a SDS folder(similiar to FTP folder). On the destination side, the SAS dataset should be saved with extension "sas7bdat" i.e., MEMTYPE=DATA during downloading...I need this with this extension such that it should be readily openable using PC-SAS...
I was trying the below code
Code: |
LIBNAME FTP1 SERVER='server name'
and receiving the following error...
Code: |
Attempt to connect to server 'server name' failed.
A communication subsystem partner link setup request failure has occurred.
Cannot locate TCP host.
But I was able to login to the same server using an FTP job... Server names was given correct...
Your help will be highly appreciable.... |
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Global Moderator
Joined: 14 Mar 2007 Posts: 8796 Location: Welsh Wales
Do a PROC COPY of the data and then FTP that in a seperate jobstep. Usually works. |
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New User
Joined: 07 Jan 2008 Posts: 98 Location: Hyderabad
Hello Expat,
During the PROC COPY, do we need to define the destination file with RECFM=FS or RECFM=FB...??
I dont have PC-SAS on my machine.. so I have to do with assumption... Pls help.. |
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New User
Joined: 07 Jan 2008 Posts: 98 Location: Hyderabad
And also, during FTP, can we directly save in the FTP server with extension *.sas7bdat...?? If we do in that manner, will the file get opened using a PC-SAS s/w..?? |
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Global Moderator
Joined: 14 Mar 2007 Posts: 8796 Location: Welsh Wales
I usually run a PROC CPORT to create a portable copy
Code: |
// VOL=(,,,3),SPACE=(CYL,(50,50),RLSE)
SELECT Name1 Name2 Name3;
Ftp the file BINARY FORMAT and then run PROC CIMPORT on the target machine to import the SAS data in perfect health. |
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Robert Sample
Global Moderator
Joined: 06 Jun 2008 Posts: 8700 Location: Dubuque, Iowa, USA
Use PROC XPORT or PROC CPORT/CIMPORT. Using the direct server connection method works only if you have SAS/ACCESS installed on both the PC and the mainframe, and then you have to do some configuration to get them connected. |
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New User
Joined: 07 Jan 2008 Posts: 98 Location: Hyderabad
I have tried the below code
Code: |
and receiving the following error...
Code: |
Write access to member CLAIMSX.CLAIM_AUS.DATA is denied
Code: |
The CONTENTS Procedure
Data Set Name CLAIMSF.CLAIM_AUS Observations
Member Type DATA Variables
Engine V9 Indexes
Created Wed, Feb 18, 2009 02:39:17 PM Observation Length
Last Modified Wed, Feb 18, 2009 02:39:17 PM Deleted Observations
Protection Compressed
Data Set Type Reuse Space
Label Point to Observation
Data Representation MVS_32 Sorted
Encoding open_ed-1047 Western (OpenEdition)
Engine/Host Dependent Information
Data Set Page Size 25600
Number of Data Set Pages 14
Number of Data Set Repairs 0
Physical Name sas dataset
Release Created 9.0101M3
Release Last Modified 9.0101M3
Created by SBCY683E
Last Modified by SBCY683E
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . |
Then I have tried for CPORT..Below is the code..
Code: |
proc cport LIBRARY=CLAIMF file=CLAIMX;
and transferred successfully to the FTP server with Type BINARY FORMAT.
When opened thru PC-SAS, I received the error as
Code: |
"ERROR: File TMP1.CLAIM_AUS.DATA is not a SAS dataset. TMP1.CLAIM_AUS cannot be opened."
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Robert Sample
Global Moderator
Joined: 06 Jun 2008 Posts: 8700 Location: Dubuque, Iowa, USA
Did you use PROC CIMPORT on the transport file or just try to read it as a SAS file? You must use PROC CIMPORT to process the file before you can use the SAS file that was transferred. |
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New User
Joined: 07 Jan 2008 Posts: 98 Location: Hyderabad
My Client uses the below code to download a SAS dataset present in Mainframe using PC-SAS as below:-
Code: |
libname tmp1
'C:\Documents and Settings\Client\My Documents\dat\FOLDER_ANY';
/* SIGNON Mainframe and Download SAS Library */
%let host = HOST_NAME;
options remote = host;
options comamid= tcp;
filename rlink '!sasroot\connect\saslink\Client.scr';
libname dest clear;
libname dest 'SAS dataset on Mainframe' disp=shr;
proc download inlib = dest
outlib = TMP1
memtype = data;
When this code has been executed, the TMP1 library will contain the sas dataset downloaded in *.SAS7BDAT format. She just double clicks it to open it in Table editor(present in PC-SAS) to view the data...
Now the above process needs to be automated in Mainframe side.. So I have to do with out writing any code in PC-SAS again...which means that I should not write a code(PROC CIMPORT) to view the data....
Hope you got my problem bit clear now.... |
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Global Moderator
Joined: 14 Mar 2007 Posts: 8796 Location: Welsh Wales
Quote: |
Now the above process needs to be automated in Mainframe side.. So I have to do with out writing any code in PC-SAS again...which means that I should not write a code(PROC CIMPORT) to view the data....
Hope you got my problem bit clear now.... |
So why save some rather important piece of information until AFTER people have tried to help you. Do you not think that this significant piece of information may have been better offerd from the start of your thread. |
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New User
Joined: 07 Jan 2008 Posts: 98 Location: Hyderabad
Hello Expat,
In my 1st post, I have wrtten as
Quote: |
Can anyone let me know the procedure for downloading the SAS dataset present in Mainframe to a SDS folder(similiar to FTP folder). On the destination side, the SAS dataset should be saved with extension "sas7bdat" i.e., MEMTYPE=DATA during downloading...I need this with this extension such that it should be readily openable using PC-SAS...
Since the last line says that "readily openable", I thought you people might have understood that...
Past is past... Now from the latest & updated post, can anyone provide me the solution...[/b] |
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Global Moderator
Joined: 14 Mar 2007 Posts: 8796 Location: Welsh Wales
Have you tried a straight FTP of the SAS dataset to the PC ? |
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New User
Joined: 07 Jan 2008 Posts: 98 Location: Hyderabad
Trasferred directly to FTP server in Binary mode, when double clicked the *.sas7bdat file, I have received
ERROR: Read Access Violation In Task ( Application Window )
Exception occurred at (5E761593)
Task Traceback
Address Frame (DBGHELP API Version 4.0 rev 5)
5E761593 04628F78 tknls:tknls+0x593
67A37A83 04629194 0001:00006A83 saswzx.dll
67A39694 046292B4 0001:00008694 saswzx.dll
67A31CDF 046292C8 0001:00000CDF saswzx.dll
67E7056F 046295C0 0001:0005F56F sashost.dll
67E7042F 0462974C 0001:0005F42F sashost.dll
67E6A546 046298E0 0001:00059546 sashost.dll
67917166 04629B64 0001:00016166 sasyh.dll
6726B548 04629D4C 0001:0000A548 sase7opn.dll
6726A82A 04629F5C 0001:0000982A sase7opn.dll
67267605 0462A1FC 0001:00006605 sase7opn.dll
67200EB7 0462A5E8 0001:0000FEB7 sasyoio.dll
671FE827 0462A728 0001:0000D827 sasyoio.dll
612AC5DA 0462AD78 0001:0000B5DA sasp01.dll
612A4FAA 0462AFD8 0001:00003FAA sasp01.dll
60E77DEE 0462B0B8 0001:00006DEE saspxq.dll
60E83856 0462B51C 0001:00012856 saspxq.dll
60E7BB40 0462B694 0001:0000AB40 saspxq.dll
66B055AD 0462BA50 0001:000045AD sasaf.dll
60E9EDDB 0462BD88 0001:0002DDDB saspxq.dll
60F0562F 0462C23C 0001:0001462F saspos.dll
60F02DCC 0462C2A8 0001:00011DCC saspos.dll
60E77DEE 0462C388 0001:00006DEE saspxq.dll
60E83856 0462C7EC 0001:00012856 saspxq.dll
60E7BB40 0462C964 0001:0000AB40 saspxq.dll
66B055AD 0462CD20 0001:000045AD sasaf.dll
60E9EDDB 0462D058 0001:0002DDDB saspxq.dll
60F0562F 0462D50C 0001:0001462F saspos.dll
60F02DCC 0462D578 0001:00011DCC saspos.dll
60E77DEE 0462D658 0001:00006DEE saspxq.dll
60E83856 0462DABC 0001:00012856 saspxq.dll
60E7BB40 0462DC34 0001:0000AB40 saspxq.dll
66A7BBE1 0462DC60 0001:0001ABE1 sasf03.dll
60EF441D 0462E47C 0001:0000341D saspos.dll
60F04906 0462E93C 0001:00013906 saspos.dll
66B3ADCB 0462EC2C 0001:00009DCB sasabld.dll
64B98037 0462ECF0 0001:00007037 sasrm.dll
64BBFDBD 0462EE14 0001:0002EDBD sasrm.dll
66A826D9 0462EE7C 0001:000216D9 sasf03.dll
66B0B05C 0462EEC8 0001:0000A05C sasaf.dll
66B13115 0462EF2C 0001:00012115 sasaf.dll
66B0680F 0462F134 0001:0000580F sasaf.dll
66A33AE2 0462FF84 0001:00002AE2 saszaf.dll
67E223EE 0462FFA0 0001:000113EE sashost.dll
67E26DE0 0462FFB4 0001:00015DE0 sashost.dll
7C80B683 0462FFEC kernel32:GetModuleFileNameA+0x1B4
WARNING: Closing data set SASUSER.DESKACT left open by program
ERROR: Read Access Violation In Task ( Application Window )
Exception occurred at (67231B8E) |
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Robert Sample
Global Moderator
Joined: 06 Jun 2008 Posts: 8700 Location: Dubuque, Iowa, USA
I recommend you contact SAS and open a problem report to get help. I do not know if what you're wanting to do can be done in the way you're wanting to do it. The only way to know for sure is by getting SAS Institute to help you. |
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