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Any algorithm in COBOL for Day Light Savings time?

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 2:50 am
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We have a program (cobol subroutine) that does the date/time conversion from GMT to LOCAL or Julian. We are having problem when it comes to DST start or end date.

Is there any algorithm to make get the right date foe each year of DST...for US it is the fist Sunday of Nov when DST ends...and second Sunday of March when DST starts.

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 3:29 am
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IIRC ( if I remember correctly )

the result of the cobol builtin function INTEGER_OF_DATE modulo 7 should give the day of the week...

Just run a few tests to see wether the week starts on monday or sunday

start with integer_of_date for november 1st
check the modulus
keep incrementing by 1 until the modulus is 0/6 depending on the week start day
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Robert Sample

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 4:12 am
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Why not use FUNCTION CURRENT-DATE positions 17-21?

The CURRENT-DATE function returns a 21-character alphanumeric value that represents the calendar date, time of day, and time differential from Greenwich Mean Time provided by the system on which the function is evaluated.

The function type is alphanumeric.

___ Format _____________________________________________________________
| |
| >>__FUNCTION CURRENT-DATE___________________________________________>< |
| |

Reading from left to right, the 21 character positions in the value returned can be interpreted as follows:

Character Positions Contents

Four numeric digits of the year in the Gregorian calendar.

Two numeric digits of the month of the year, in the range 01 through 12.

Two numeric digits of the day of the month, in the range 01 through 31.

Two numeric digits of the hours past midnight, in the range 00 through 23.

Two numeric digits of the minutes past the hour, in the range 00 through 59.

Two numeric digits of the seconds past the minute, in the range 00 through 59.

Two numeric digits of the hundredths of a second past the second, in the range 00 through 99. The value 00 is returned if the system on which the function is evaluated does not have the facility to provide the fractional part of a second.

Either the character '-' or the character '+'. The character '-' is returned if the local time indicated in the previous character positions is behind Greenwich Mean Time. The character '+' is returned if the local time indicated is the same as or ahead of Greenwich Mean Time. The character '0' is returned if the system on which this function is evaluated does not have the facility to provide the local time differential factor.

If character position 17 is '-', two numeric digits are returned in the range 00 through 12 indicating the number of hours that the reported time is behind Greenwich Mean Time. If character position 17 is '+', two numeric digits are returned in the range 00 through 13 indicating the number of hours that the reported time is ahead of Greenwich Mean Time. If character position 17 is '0', the value 00 is returned.

Two numeric digits are returned in the range 00 through 59 indicating the number of additional minutes that the reported time is ahead of or behind Greenwich Mean Time, depending on whether character position 17 is '+' or '-', respectively. If character position 17 is '0', the value 00 is returned
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Bill O'Boyle

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 4:21 am
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Are you calculating the local gregorian/julian after the fact? In other words, you log it as GMT and then convert it later?

As Robert suggests, FUNCTION CURRENT-DATE 17-21 will give you your GMT to Local Offset +/-HHMM or, you can call the LE Callable Service routine "CEEGMTO".

If you're logging the values as GMT, then you need to save the current GMT to Local offset so you can convert it later....


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