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FTP From MFRM to Windows: Check for the input file ...

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 15, 2008 10:49 pm
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I have to FTP a mainframe file to windows server. I have to prepare an FTP job which can also track the return code of FTP. I mean to track whether the FTP got successful or not. I raised this question in this forum few days ago in the following link -
As suggested by Superk and Robert (I believe), I used the EXIT parameter to trap the FTP code. But now the problem is -
Suppose, you have misspelled a filename in mainframe and you have to FTP that very file to windows server. I wish to trap this error but my existing JCL fails to do so. For clarity, I am sending you the JCL I am using -
//STEP001 EXEC PGM=FTP,PARM='ip port (EXIT'   
//SYSPRINT  DD SYSOUT=*                               
//OUTPUT    DD SYSOUT=*                               
//FTPIN     DD DSN=File on tape,
//          DISP=SHR,                                 
//          UNIT=3490,VOLUME=(,RETAIN,,,SER=(444261)),
//          LABEL=(1951,SL),                           
//          RECFM=VBA,LRECL=240,BLKSIZE=32760         
//INPUT     DD *                                       
CD FTP_DL                                             
PUT //DD:FTPIN MSGCLASS-20080531-2100.TXT             

Here I have intentionally mis-spelled the name of the FTPIN file. If the FTPIN file is not present in the mainframe tape, I wish to raise an error.
How can I do that?
However refer the Output too -

EZA1460I Command:                                       
EZA1736I CD FTP_DL                                       
EZA1701I >>> CWD FTP_DL                                 
250 CWD command successful.                       
EZA1460I Command:                                 
EZA1736I PUT //DD:FTPIN MSGCLASS-20080531-2100.TXT
EZA1701I >>> SITE VARrecfm LRECL=240 RECFM=VBA BLKSIZE=32760                   
500 'SITE VARrecfm LRECL=240 RECFM=VBA BLKSIZE=32760': command not understood   
EZA1701I >>> PORT 10,138,102,10,238,101                                         
200 PORT command successful.                                                   
EZA1701I >>> STOR MSGCLASS-20080531-2100.TXT                                   
150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for MSGCLASS-20080531-2100.TXT.         
226 Transfer complete.                                                         
EZA1617I 37935 bytes transferred in 1.220 seconds.  Transfer rate 31.09 Kbytes/s
EZA1460I Command:                                                               
EZA1736I QUIT                                                                   
EZA1701I >>> QUIT                                                               
221  Leaving the MFrame Environment                                             
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Robert Sample

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 15, 2008 11:00 pm
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EZA1617I 37935 bytes transferred in 1.220 seconds. Transfer rate 31.09 Kbytes/s
So what got transferred?

If the file name is wrong, you should get an error even when the file is on tape.
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 15, 2008 11:08 pm
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Thanx Rober for your quick reply ...
The original file whose name I changed to do the test. I am not very much aware of the fact but is it possible that even if I miss-spelled the file name, the job will pick up the file present in that particular label mentioned in the job?
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Robert Sample

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 15, 2008 11:45 pm
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Since the tape is labeled, the file name in JCL must match the file name on tape or the job won't run -- if the tape were unlabeled you wouldn't get that check. I don't remember the abend that is generated but the job definitely doesn't run.
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 15, 2008 11:55 pm
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OK! The original name of the tape file was - SYS3.QPP1D.ARCH.D08154.T123242.F01 and I changed the second qualifier only to TESTD. So the new name (manipulated) becomes - SYS3.TESTD.ARCH.D08154.T123242.F01. And after FTP, I checked in the server and I found that the information that has been FTPed, belong to the original file. Am I missing something?
And I also checked in repository (A dump of CA tool, I believe; I don't know the name) and found that there is no file with the name SYS3.TESTD.ARCH.D08154.T123242.F01. Robert again, am I missing something? Why does it happen to me?
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Robert Sample

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PostPosted: Thu Oct 16, 2008 12:12 am
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All I can say is that 37,935 bytes were transferred from somewhere ... check the JESMSGLG for the job and see if the file name shows up.
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 16, 2008 1:16 am
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I checked the JESMSG and it is saying the following -
IEF285I   VOL SER NOS= 1DOS01.                                         
IEF237I 5D0D ALLOCATED TO SYS00008                                     
IEF285I   VOL SER NOS= 1DOS01.                                         
IEF142I XAYC4261 STEP001 - STEP WAS EXECUTED - COND CODE 0000           
IEF285I   PSCZAYC.XAYC4261.JOB12972.D0000102.?         SYSOUT           
IEF285I   PSCZAYC.XAYC4261.JOB12972.D0000103.?         SYSOUT           
IEF285I   SYS3.TESTD.ARCH.D08154.T123242.F01           KEPT             
IEF285I   VOL SER NOS= 444261.                                         
IEF285I   PSCZAYC.XAYC4261.JOB12972.D0000101.?         SYSIN           

But I tried to copy the file SYS3.TESTD.ARCH.D08154.T123242.F01 from tape to DASD, I received an error ...
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dick scherrer

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PostPosted: Thu Oct 16, 2008 2:23 am
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What i believe you are missing is that on tape only the last 17 bytes of the dsn were used to identify the dataset. . .

You changed something early in the dsn. Try your test again changing the last bit of the dsn instead.
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Robert Sample

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PostPosted: Thu Oct 16, 2008 3:23 am
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Good catch, dick -- I used to use that a lot but haven't had to work much with tape dataset names lately!
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 16, 2008 5:59 am
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if the dataset is cataloged, then just specify the dataset name and disposition.

This should result in a JCL error if dataset is mispelled.

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PostPosted: Thu Oct 16, 2008 6:14 pm
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Hey thanks Dick and Robert! But I have a question - How did you (Dick) find the fact that the last 17 bytes of the dsn were used to identify the dataset. How did you get to know this? This is just for my curiosity ...

By the way, I assumed a scenario that while FTPing a file from mainframe to windows server, suppose the connection got lost. What will happen then? Do I receive a non-zero return code? Hope u r getting what I wish to mean ...
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Robert Sample

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PostPosted: Thu Oct 16, 2008 6:30 pm
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In the DFSMS bookshelf, there's a manual called Using Magnetic Tape. In this manual is laid out the format of the various tape labels. Part of the description is:
Contents: The rightmost 17 bytes of the data set name (includes GxxxxVyy if the data set is part of a generation data group). If the data set name is less than 17 bytes, it is left-justified and the remainder of this field is padded with blanks. If the name contains embedded blanks or other special characters, you must enclose the name in apostrophes on the DD statement that requests this data set. z/OS MVS JCL User's Guide lists the restrictions that apply to enclosing a data set name in apostrophes. The apostrophes do not appear in the data set identifier field.
When I was with a software vendor, we'd use this to our advantage -- our customers could put any needed high-level qualifier in front of our name to meet security requirements.

If the connection gets lost during the PUT, you'll probably get a 27426 FTP return code (27=PUT, 426="Connection closed; transfer ended abnormally", which translates into a 2850 JCL RC. You definitely got a non-zero return code (as long as (EXIT is in the PARM=).
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 16, 2008 6:40 pm
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Hey Robert, thanks a lot man! Hey dnt mind - I wish to get a confirmation/ suggestion from you.
As you mentioned earlier while FTPing a file if the connection is lost, we will receive a JCL RC. So we no need to take care of that issue seperately if I code the following -
//STEP001 EXEC PGM=FTP,PARM='ip port (EXIT'   


Hey pls let me know your concern! Waiting to hear from you ...
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Robert Sample

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PostPosted: Thu Oct 16, 2008 6:44 pm
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Correct -- the (EXIT causes the JCL return code to be set based on what the FTP commands do.
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 16, 2008 6:48 pm
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Thanks a lot Robert ... icon_lol.gif icon_biggrin.gif
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dick scherrer

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PostPosted: Thu Oct 16, 2008 7:10 pm
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How did you (Dick) find the fact that the last 17 bytes of the dsn were used to identify the dataset. How did you get to know this?
Memory icon_smile.gif

I seem to recall discussions "way back" when the decision was made to use the last 17 rather than the first 17 (when the dsn was longer than 17 which was not often back then) so there would be better odds for uniqueness. With all of the "standards" that were implemented then, dataset name length grew and grew.


Thanks for posting the quote from the doc - i was afraid i was going to have to go find it as a manual reference is far preferable to an old memory. . . icon_wink.gif

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Robert Sample

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PostPosted: Thu Oct 16, 2008 7:17 pm
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Glad to help dick ... it doesn't seem to be well-known but the 17-character tape name limit can be quite helpful at times.
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 16, 2008 8:07 pm
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Hey I am back icon_wink.gif - Obviously again with a question (May sound to u little silly)! Guys suppose I receive a JCL RC = 1954, how can I calculate the FTP return code from this?
And guys do you know any site where different FTP return-codes are listed down?
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Robert Sample

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PostPosted: Thu Oct 16, 2008 8:27 pm
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I don't know that you can go from a JCL return code to an FTP code since multiple FTP codes could map to a single JCL return code. The FTP code is actually a two-byte FTP subcommand code followed by the 3-byte FTP reply code. In the Communications Server bookshelf, the IP User's Guide and Commands manual gives the FTP subcommand codes while the IP and SNA Codes manual contains the FTP reply codes. The FTP reply codes are pretty much dictated by the RFC document and are standard across platforms, although there can be some differences in wording for given reply codes.

As I said earlier, the FTP subcommand code and reply code are concatenated together to form a 5-digit number. This number is then converted into a JCL return code by dividing by 4096 and taking the remainder. If you have 1954 as a JCL return code, you don't know how many times 4096 was removed from the FTP code to get 1954. If I had to guess, I'd say 26530 was the FTP code -- PASS command had some error generated.
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 16, 2008 8:37 pm
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Thanks a lot Robert icon_biggrin.gif
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Pedro Bravo

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 30, 2011 8:53 pm
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Hi, I saw the answer about 27426 (5 digits) return code. In other case I've the 2934 (4 digits) JCL RC. Can you help me to kwon how trasnlate this code to FTP return code (5 digits).

Thanks & regards
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Robert Sample

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 30, 2011 9:52 pm
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FTP generates a subcommand code of 2 digits and a reply code of 3 digits to create the 5-digit value. Since JCL is limited to a range of 0 to 4095 for step condition codes, the 5-digit code is treated modulo 4096 to create the step condition code. Hence 2934 could be 2934, 7030, 11126, .... If you know which command was being executed, you can find the subcommand code for it and that will tell you precisely which 5-digit code was generated. Most likely your job was doing a PUT (subcommand code 27) and got a 510 response from the FTP server (which is not on the standard list of reply codes, which jumps from 504 to 530). 27510 modulo 4096 is 2934.

And by the way, you should not be replying to a thread inactive for 2 1/2 years -- you should post your own question with its own subject line.
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