I have an interesting opportunity for a Natural/ADABAS expert in Madison Wisconsin.
The person we seek for this 6 month project will possess most or
all of the following skills:
1. Expert Level Natural/Adabas development experience
2. Strong Cobol development experience
3. Understanding of DB2 & CICS development
4. Strong analytical skills and experience
5. Application Support & Design experience
6. Strong Coding and Testing skills
8. FileAid & Xpeditor
9. Excellent Communication Skills
10.Team Player
11.Quick Learner
12.Be able to work independently
13.Strong understanding of the full software development process
TeamSoft, Inc., is an IT Consulting and Training company located in
Madison, Wisconsin. Our company focuses on emerging technologies, high quality talent and we have an emphasis on Internet Application Development and Training. In addition, we are the Sun Microsystems Authorized Education Center for Wisconsin (focusing on application development curriculum) and have resources on staff dedicated to training. Our clients are large companies in the Madison area, serving the insurance, utility, government, and manufacturing sectors to name a few.
If you would like to speak with me about this opportunity, or any other possible opportunities, please contact me via e-mail or at either of the numbers listed below.
Matt Weidenfeller
TeamSoft Inc.
1350 Deming Way
Suite 250
Middleton, WI 53562
(608) 827-7772
(800) 698-8326