This condition means:
INCLUDE current record into output only if both the following two conditons become true (not one alone):
1. there is "REPORT" in column 3 to 8 in the current record
2 There is 'DDIN' in column 3 to 6 in the current record.
You tell me, can the above two conditions be true together for a record?
Hi CICS Guy, i have shown above the input which contains Report string but it has small case so was not getting desired output. Thanks it's working fine now.
000006 :
000007 :Report 1
000008 :Copyright (C) 2007 Allen Systems
000009 ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Joined: 18 Jul 2007 Posts: 2146 Location: At my coffee table
Glad to hear it.....
From personal experience, I have found that when the impossible is happening, I've usually overlooked something simple......grin......
Joined: 23 Nov 2006 Posts: 19243 Location: Inside the Matrix
What am i missing here. . . .
The conditions can not both be true
Sorry Craq, it's not that. i am sure multiple and's should work.
You may have had other problems with the code, but what Craig posted is correct (unless i'm in some strange place. . ) - NO record can ever be INCLUDEd. An equal to one literal is by definition not equal to the other (REPO can never be equal to DDIN) so the AND would fail on one side or the other.
I suspect that to get your process to run, you did more than change to lower-case for "Report".
As i mentioned in the beginning, if i'm missing something, please advise.