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Identify the value if the SUM of the amount is not zero
--->by PORYES
4 |
1655 |
10 May, 20 7:13 pm PORYES
Removing Hyphens and Dots using Syncsort
--->by PORYES
8 |
3007 |
29 Apr, 20 6:20 pm sergeyken
Sort on different fields, removing duplicates on diff fields
8 |
3345 |
20 Apr, 20 8:10 pm sergeyken
Reformat for VB file
11 |
5110 |
16 Apr, 20 8:09 pm sergeyken
Help with IF THEN and GROUP
--->by prynks91
23 |
6223 |
25 Feb, 20 9:11 pm prynks91
Compare input date as YYMMDD with the same in SynSort
--->by Khurshid_Khan
5 |
2525 |
22 Feb, 20 1:24 am Joerg.Findeisen
Accumulating fields using syncsort
--->by Hemant L
6 |
2382 |
07 Feb, 20 11:53 pm sergeyken
How to split a file in 2 with hierarchy
--->by Dr_Halo
12 |
3330 |
15 Jan, 20 7:14 pm Dr_Halo
How to compare Packed date in details with System Date
--->by Floramq
5 |
6613 |
07 Jan, 20 4:13 pm Joerg.Findeisen
ICETOOL Sorting and Discarding DUPS
--->by Harold Barnes
11 |
4710 |
20 Dec, 19 12:22 am Joerg.Findeisen
Substring for 2 files in Sort JCL
--->by Shubhendu Chakraborty
5 |
3081 |
20 Nov, 19 9:38 pm Nic Clouston
Sort to construct single record from number of rows of input
--->by Deepti_R
3 |
5804 |
13 Nov, 19 8:43 pm Rohit Umarjikar
ADDMONS function - conclusion after original locked
--->by sergeyken
1 |
1599 |
12 Nov, 19 9:59 pm vasanthz
ADDMONS function
--->by rnimmala
24 |
5880 |
10 Nov, 19 5:19 am sergeyken
File compare, where file has header and detail
8 |
2943 |
08 Nov, 19 9:19 pm sergeyken
Syncsort for field to field comparision
--->by Deepti_R
3 |
2098 |
08 Nov, 19 2:01 am sergeyken
How to place name of the file where the data was extract
--->by danielgp89
18 |
8650 |
21 Oct, 19 1:09 pm Nic Clouston
One-One matching using SORT
--->by dearlux
14 |
3607 |
17 Oct, 19 8:47 pm Rohit Umarjikar
WER027A Error
--->by Chinnadu
8 |
4312 |
30 Aug, 19 3:47 pm Nic Clouston
Training on numeric fields data formats
--->by sergeyken
12 |
5573 |
21 Aug, 19 9:51 pm sergeyken
Select based on a range from a differnet file (continued)
--->by sergeyken
2 |
2300 |
20 Aug, 19 12:01 am sergeyken
Select based on a range from a differnet file
--->by vamsimul
13 |
4593 |
14 Aug, 19 8:10 pm sergeyken
need assistance on a sort
--->by rajiv rengasamy
11 |
7453 |
02 Aug, 19 6:29 pm Rohit Umarjikar
How to count duplicate key records correctly
--->by sergeyken
0 |
1773 |
25 Jul, 19 8:03 pm sergeyken
need help with a tricky sort - Continued
--->by rajiv rengasamy
8 |
5367 |
17 Jul, 19 1:20 am sergeyken