Wikipedia of IBM Mainframe Computers

Who uses Mainframe Computers?
Mainframe Applicatons

Just about everyone has used a mainframe computer at one point or another. If you ever used an ATM machine to interact with your bank account, you used a Mainframe. If you used to book train tickets in railway counters, you are accessing a Mainframe too. When you buy something in a supermarket, use a mobile phone, make an online payment, attend an entertainment event, the chances are that the transaction is processed on a mainframe. Airline Ticketing Systems, Stock market, Credit card verification system all are accessing a Mainframe Computer every time you use.

Many of today's busiest Web sites store their production databases on a mainframe host. New mainframe hardware and software products are ideal for Web transactions because they are designed to allow huge numbers of users and applications to rapidly and simultaneously access the same data without interfering with each other.

At VISA, the San Francisco-based credit card company process 145,000 transactions per second in 200 countries around the world.

Citi Bank uses System Z servers to process 150,000 transactions per second.

Wallmart, Kenya Power, Tesco, HSBC, Indian Railways, ICICI Bank, Vodafone, Swiss Reinsurance, AIG, Coca Cola, Reserve Bank of India, DHL, Ford, HDFC, NASDAQ, Nike, Tata, Travelport, Union bank, UPS, United States Postal Service are some of the clients who owns and uses a mainframe computer.


Mainframe Applications

Corporations use mainframes for applications that depend on scalability and reliability. For example, a banking institution could use a mainframe to host the database of its customer accounts, for which transactions can be submitted from any of thousands of ATM locations worldwide.

System Z servers have reported an 'Mean Time to Failure' of 40 years. The recent Mainframe Systems Z series are designed to provide an availability of 99.999%.


Who uses System Z
  • 92 of the world's top 100 banks, 23 of the 25 top US retailers, and 9 out of 10 of the world's largest insurance companies run System z mainframe.
  • 71% of global Fortune 500 companies are System z clients.

  • 9 out of the top 10 global life and health insurance providers uses a System z mainframe.

  • According to estimates, there are 10,000 mainframe customers globally. In 2013 alone IBM sold 2,700 mainframes for $4.3 billion.

As of today, 70% of world's production data still resides on mainframes and 55% of the world's enterprise transactions running on the mainframe servers.

New Possibilities

The mainframe survived minicomputers, the client server, the web, Y2K and the Mobile Phones. Today more than 10,000 mainframes still run hundreds of thousands of enterprise applications for business, finance and administrative systems and that's unlikely to change any time soon.

Do you know that 200 times more transactions are processed daily by Mainframe Systems than there are Google and Youtube searches made?

There are over 220 billion lines of COBOL in existence, a figure which equates to around 80% of the world's actively used code.

Mainframes process roughly 30 billion business transactions per day, including most major credit card transactions and stock trades, money transfers, manufacturing processes and ERP systems.

Next Article: Advantages of Mainframes



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