16 |
Not enough virtual storage. Log on with more storage. |
300 |
User tried to update a control variable that can only be updated by system |
304 |
Invalid keyword found on EXIT statement. |
308 |
CODE keyword specified, but no code given on EXIT statement |
312 |
Internal GLOBAL processing error. |
316 |
TERMIN delimiter has more than 256 characters. |
324 |
GETLINE error. |
328 |
More than 64 delimiters on TERMIN. |
332 |
Invalid file name syntax. |
336 |
File already open. |
340 |
Invalid OPEN type syntax. |
344 |
Undefined OPEN type. |
348 |
File specified did not open. (For example, the file name was not allocated.) Reallocate the file. |
352 |
GETFILE - file name is not currently open. |
356 |
GETFILE - the file has been closed by
the system. (For example, the file was opened under EDIT mode and EDIT mode has been terminated) |
360 |
PUTFILE - file name not currently open. |
364 |
PUTFILE - file closed by system (see code 356). |
368 |
PUTFILE - CLOSFILE - file not opened by OPENFILE. |
372 |
PUTFILE - issued before GETFILE on a file opened for update |
376 |
Unable to open the directory of a PDS using a variable record format |
380 |
Data sets with a logical record length greater than 32767 are not supported for file I/O. |
400 |
GETFILE - end of file. TSO/E treats this condition as an error that can be handled by an ERROR action. |
404 |
User tried to write to a file open for INPUT. |
408 |
User tried to read from a file open for OUTPUT. |
412 |
User tried to update a file after end of file was |
416 |
User tried to update an empty file. |
500 |
The TO value on a DO statement is non-numeric. |
502 |
The FROM value on a DO statement is non-numeric. |
504 |
The BY value on a DO statement is non-numeric. |
508 |
A SYSCALL statement contains an undefined procedure |
512 |
A RETURN statement contains an undefined keyword. |
516 |
The name of a procedure is used as a variable. |
524 |
Unable to establish an ESTAE routine. |
528 |
A positional specification on the PROC statement was invalid |
532 |
Invalid characters were found in a symbolic parameter on the PROC statement |
536 |
A symbolic parameter name on the PROC statement is too long |
540 |
The number of positional parameters defined on the PROC statement is fewer than the number passed. |
544 |
No symbolic parameters were defined on the PROC statement. |
548 |
Duplicate parameter names were found on the PROC statement. |
552 |
A keyword parameter has an invalid default value. |
556 |
A default keyword value was missing an ending quote on the PROC statement. |
560 |
A PARSE error occurred while processing the PROC statement |
568 |
Abnormal termination |
572 |
SYSREF variable was not passed as a parameter. |
576 |
SYSREF variable was not defined on a PROC statement. |
580 |
An ERROR statement was found within a subprocedure's ERROR or ATTN routine. |
584 |
An ATTN statement was found within a subprocedure's ERROR or ATTN routine. |
588 |
A character between DBCS delimiters was outside the range of double-byte characters |
592 |
A DBCS string contains an odd number of bytes, indicating that one of the characters is incomplete. |
596 |
A beginning DBCS delimiter was found without a corresponding ending delimiter. |
600 |
Two beginning DBCS delimiters were found without an intervening ending delimiter. |
604 |
An error occurred while processing an installation-written CLIST built-in function in IKJCT44B. |
608 |
An error occurred while processing an installation-written CLIST statement in IKJCT44S |
612 |
An error occurred in an installation exit. |
620 |
EBCDIC &SYSTWOBYTE data is outside valid DBCS range. |
708 |
The preceding statement has an invalid &SYSINDEX expression. |
712 |
The preceding statement has an invalid &SYSINDEX start parameter; the start parameter must be a non-negative number |
716 |
The preceding statement has an invalid &SYSNSUB levelparameter; the level parameter must be a number from 0 to 99 |
720 |
The preceding statement has a missing &SYSNSUB level and/or expression parameter |
724 |
The preceding statement has a &SYSNSUB level parameter that uses a built-in function as a symbolic variable |
800 |
Data was found where operator was expected. |
804 |
An operator was found where data was expected. |
808 |
A comparison operator was used in a SET statement. |
812 |
(Reserved). |
816 |
An operator was found at the end of a statement. |
820 |
Operators are out of order; data may resemble operators. |
824 |
More than one exclusive operator was found. |
828 |
More than one exclusive comparison operator found. |
832 |
The result of an arithmetic calculation is outside the valid range, -2,147,483,647 to +2,147,483,647 |
836 |
(Reserved). |
840 |
Not enough operands. |
844 |
No valid operators. |
848 |
An attempt was made to load data as
character data, but the data was numeric (An arithmetic operation had been performed on the data). |
852 |
Addition error - character data. |
856 |
Subtraction error - character data. |
860 |
Multiplication error - character data. |
864 |
Divide error - character data or division by 0. |
868 |
Prefix found on character data. |
872 |
Numeric value is too large. |
900 |
Single ampersand was found. |
904 |
(Reserved). |
908 |
An error occurred in an error action that received control because of another error |
912 |
Substring range is invalid. |
916 |
A non-numeric value was found in a substring range. |
920 |
Substring range value too small (zero or negative). |
924 |
Substring syntax is invalid. |
932 |
Substring found outside of the range of
the string (For example, an &SUBSTR variable attempted to substring the first three positions of data that contains only two characters.). |
936 |
A built-in variable that requires a value was entered without a value. |
940 |
Invalid symbolic variable. |
944 |
A label was used as a symbolic variable. |
948 |
Invalid label syntax on a GOTO statement. |
952 |
A GOTO label was not defined. |
956 |
A GOTO statement has no label. |
960 |
&SYSSCAN was set to an invalid value. |
964 |
&LASTCC was set to an invalid value and EXIT tried to use it as a default value |
968 |
DATA PROMPT-ENDDATA statements supplied, but no prompt occurred. |
972 |
TERMIN statement cannot be used in background jobs. |
976 |
READ statement cannot be used in background jobs. |
980 |
Maximum statement length (32756) exceeded during symbolic substitution. |
984 |
TERMING delimiter has more than 256 characters. |
988 |
TERMING has more than 64 delimiters. |
992 |
TERMING statement cannot be used in background jobs. |
999 |
Internal CLIST error. |
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