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Sticky: Noscratch and Noempty parameter of GDG
--->by hemant26
7 |
60135 |
29 Sep, 23 1:32 am Shija
Sticky: DISP=OLD / SHR / NEW / MOD for PDSe
--->by enrico-sorichetti
1 |
44057 |
22 May, 18 4:22 pm praveenks1610
Sticky: ISPF EDIT Macros - Primary Commands
--->by pbgunasekar
6 |
140900 |
11 Sep, 17 7:23 pm sergeyken
Sticky: Difference between DUMMY and NULLFILE
--->by enrico-sorichetti
0 |
11459 |
17 Oct, 16 4:31 pm enrico-sorichetti
Sticky: REGION Parm info
--->by dbzTHEdinosauer
0 |
72752 |
11 Jan, 10 6:25 pm dbzTHEdinosauer
Sticky: Sample Compile & Run JCLs
--->by mcmillan
8 |
92486 |
01 Dec, 06 6:19 pm sandip_mainframe
TSO ALLOC In REXX Needs Improvement
--->by muh786
4 |
712 |
29 Jan, 25 9:39 pm SockFourAgain
PDS member list with stats
--->by jerryte
6 |
266 |
21 Jan, 25 11:42 pm Willy Jensen
JCL/REXX to know GDG base name
--->by stevetelo
6 |
543 |
19 Jan, 25 11:05 pm sergeyken
purge jobs with return code 0 and retain jobs with RC>0
--->by me.batenipour
6 |
588 |
01 Jan, 25 1:56 pm Joerg.Findeisen
Comment multiple lines in JCL for Temporary Submits
--->by Wayne_in_Texas
4 |
518 |
01 Jan, 25 4:58 am Wayne_in_Texas
Comment Lines getting in the way when reviewing JCL?
--->by Wayne_in_Texas
0 |
406 |
29 Dec, 24 3:38 am Wayne_in_Texas
Excuting store procedure via JCL batch
--->by msa4004
1 |
458 |
26 Nov, 24 7:14 pm sergeyken
IEBPTPCH for many PS
--->by NathanReese
7 |
510 |
09 Nov, 24 4:45 pm enrico-sorichetti
How to concatenate datasets in JCL by overriding
--->by raak
12 |
45581 |
24 Oct, 24 10:55 pm Pete Wilson
Difference between joblib and steplib
--->by swamy kandula
2 |
627 |
18 Oct, 24 10:26 am Joerg.Findeisen
Concatenate 2 input datasets and give output to one of input
--->by KeerthiSree
2 |
1192 |
14 Aug, 24 12:36 pm Willy Jensen
Delete PDS members without deleting dataset itself
--->by jaydeb
10 |
36624 |
25 Jul, 24 4:49 pm Rohit Umarjikar
--->by MJDeChirico
2 |
1526 |
18 Jun, 24 11:27 pm Joerg.Findeisen
Format Binary file to EBCDIC
--->by BlackScreen_Hustle
4 |
1738 |
07 Jun, 24 4:40 pm BlackScreen_Hustle
PKZIP error ZPFM121E and ZPCE009E
--->by BlackScreen_Hustle
6 |
1445 |
04 Jun, 24 9:46 am Joerg.Findeisen
SPOOL to Mainframe dataset in batch mode
--->by Apurva Ghogale
7 |
1713 |
29 May, 24 3:00 pm Pete Wilson
NAK is getting added FTP from Mainframes
--->by pinakimishra
6 |
848 |
21 May, 24 8:50 am sureshpathi10
ICETOOL returns no records
--->by S De
1 |
1018 |
27 Apr, 24 7:58 pm sergeyken
Compare 2 files and write Matched/Unmatched records
--->by varma096
8 |
1708 |
23 Apr, 24 9:55 pm Joerg.Findeisen